[Half-Life AMXX] / climb.sma Repository:
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Revision 19 - (download) (annotate)
Sun Nov 18 00:26:46 2007 UTC (16 years, 5 months ago) by ian
File size: 128653 byte(s)
Removed all instances of array references using id-1.
Better to use a little more memory than waste all those CPU cycles with the -1's.
Climb v2.0a4
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Ian (Juan) Cammarata

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; go to http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php

Sep 21 18:27

To do:
Save user/pass login data for sessions (don't require login ever map change)
Account management for accounts with user/pass login. email, change password, password recovery
Unsolid as function of position and velocity
Recode custom flashlight without temp entities

This plugin is designed for use in climbing maps like those available from www.kreedz.com.

say /checkpoint : Save your position.
say /gocheck : Teleport you to your last saved position.
say /ungocheck : Undo a gocheck in case you accidentally use one after you make a tough jump.
say /stuck : Teleport you to your previous checkpoint in case you get stuck in a wall.
amx_goto : Teleport to another player. (Can't be used while timer is running)

A full help page can be found at http://ian.cammarata.us/projects/climb/help/2a3/en/commands

climb <1|0> : Enables|Disables all plugin functionality.  The plugin now enables and disables itself, you should only use this cvar to turn the plugin on in maps which don't have a start button.
climb_boost <1|0> : Enables|Disables boosting.
climb_cpprice <0|...> : Set to dollar amount for cost of checkpoints.
climb_startmoney <1337|0-16000> : Money amount set when players start timer.

climb_render <0|1> : Changes unsolid rendering style, 0=classic, other=new more see through rendering.
climb_sounds <1|0> : Enables|Disables sounds build in to the Climb plugin.
climb_start_respawn <0|1> : When enabled, eliminates unnecessary respawning. (Defaults to off)
climb_water_nodraw: <0|1> : When enabled makes func_water entities invisible to help with players FPS issues. (Defaults to off)

climb_webmod <0|1> : Disables|Enables web mod interoperability.
climb_stats_path <NULL|...> : Path to save generated stats pages. (If using WebMod, enter path to WebMod's www folder.)
climb_stats_url <NULL|...> : URL to send clients to for stats pages.  Only use if you have a web server running on the same machine as the game server. IF WEBMOD=1 THIS IS IGNORED.
climb_stats_hsurl <NULL|...> : "%s" will be replaced with map name.  Set to send client to URL if you have a page that automatically generates high scores via direct DB access. IF WEBMOD=1 THIS IS IGNORED.
climb_stats_msg <NULL|...> : Message to display on scoreboard. Use HTML

ip_internal <localhost|...> : Set to internal network IP or hostname. (If server behind NAT)
ip_external <localhost|...> : Set to external network IP or hostname.

climb_msg_r <0|0-255> : Display message red value.
climb_msg_g <150|0-255> : Display message green value.
climb_msg_b <250|0-255> : Display message blue value.
climb_msg_x <0.05|0-1> : Display message x position.
climb_msg_y <0.5|0-1> : Display message y position.

climb_light_r <255|0-255> : Sets the red value for the custom flashlight's color.
climb_light_g <255|0-255> : Sets the green value for the custom flashlight's color.
climb_light_b <255|0-255> : Sets the blue value for the custom flashlight's color.

*The following cvars are only read at plugin load, changes will not take effect until the map is changed.
climb_save <1|0> : Enables|Disables saving of stats to a database.

climb_db_type <sqlite|mysql> : Database type.
climb_db_host <> : Database host name/ip.
climb_db_user <NULL|...> : Database user name.
climb_db_pass <NULL|...> : Database password.
climb_db_name <climb|...> : Database name.
climb_db_prefix <climb_|...> : Table name prefix.

AMXX 1.76 or higher
Engine module
Fakemeta module
DB Module (MySQL or SQLite/Only needed if using CLIMB_SAVE 1.)

Make sure you place the climb.txt file in addons\amxmodx\data\lang

I highly recommend using All Chat along with this plugin:

DF Hook Frontend plugin is included with this plugin, but still requires the Hookmod from AdminOP:

To be able to get a full player listing on the scoreboard, you'll need to install WebMod and set the appropriate cvars for this plugin.
WebMod site: http://djeyl.net/w.php

Borrowed some code from Space Headed's bot_api.sma
Borrowed some code from KCE's attack blocking tutorial (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=41265)
Thanks to Lola for letting me use her awesome server for testing purposes.
Thanks to r33d and Woofie for testing and suggestions.

Supported Languages:
Not Applicable... yet.

Change Log:
Key (+ added | - removed | c changed | f fixed)

v2.0a4 (SEPT ??, 2007)
+: New db admin commands: climb_dbwho, climb_dbmap, climb_dbplayer, climb_dbdelete.
+: High scores now saves boosts, cps/gcs, and weapon used.
+: New high scores sorting method.
+: Breakable objects with health less than 9999 are now removed at map load.
+: Duplicate names in database are now appended with "(#)" like the game scoreboard.
+: Client commands 'cp+' and 'cp-' to cycle through checkpoints.
+: Cvars mp_autoteambalance and mp_limitteams are set to 0 when a start button is found, and reverted when the map changes.
+: Support for a2 maps start/finish buttons.
+: Commands measure and measure2.
+: Multiplayer friendly bhops.
+: Command 'weapons', gives client one of each speed weapon.
+: Ranking by weapon speed. ex: If you beat a map with AWP, you'll be ranked above other weapon scores.
+: Command countdown to have time countdown from your best time instead of counting up.
+: Instantly switch to spectator without death animation.
-: Plugin ad on client connect.
-: WebMod support since it is a huge security vulnerability.
-: Cvars: climb_webmod, climb_stats_path, climb_stats_url, ip_internal, ip_external
c: Tweaked semiclip to hopefully eliminate lag problems reported by some people.
c: Cvar climb_water_nodraw changes take effect without reloading map.
c: Database now stores multiple records per map per player.
c: Cvar climb_db_pass is now protected.
c: Optimized html layout of scoreboards to fit more data without using WebMod.
c: Command '/stuck' is now an alias for 'cp-' and doesn't deduct from cp count.
c: Start and restart commands now tp client to the start button (Spawn and respawn still tp to spawn point).
c: Clients now spawn at start button.
c: USP and M4 forced to be always silent.
c: Guns reload with only 2 bullets, admins get unlimited clip for silenced guns.
c: Timeout on knife slash. (The sound makes my ears bleed)
c: Set 0.4 second timeout on cp, gc, and ungc commands.
c: Set 2 second timeout on usp and scout commands.
c: Re-enabled default flashlight, at least untill I recode the custom one.  Custom NVG still in place.
c: Respawn command now stops your timer, to prevent cheating in some maps.
f: Bug where maps with built in auto-heal and healing doors didn't give 511 hp. (ex: kz_man_streetclimb)
f: Showing high scores from previous map if client executes cmd a second time within the timeout period and current map has no scores in the DB.
f: An exploit that involved a paused player with their view attached to something else.
f: Bug where respawn command would spawn clients at maps origin if plugin was enabled without running init functions.
f: Bug where multiple players could connect and get logged in with the same db user id.

v2.0a3 (JUNE 21, 2007)
+: New alias for restart, /start.
+: HP set to 512 when finished as god mode replacement. God mode prevents people from seeign each others names.
+: Replicate hud messages and timer to spectators.
+: Replacement flashlight/nightvision.  Change color with cvars climb_light_r, ..._g, ..._b
+: Cvar climb_start_respawn: eliminates unnecessary respawning, admin can enable if needed
+: Cvar climb_water_nodraw: Makes func_water entities invisible to help with players FPS issues(off by default).
+: Fake client added to CT team to prevent round end.  Automatically leaves when the server is almost full, and rejoins as it empties.
+: Two new commands, /scout and /usp, to get a scout or usp if you need one, or more ammo.
+: New command /ungocheck or /ungc.  Takes you to where you were before you last used gocheck.
+: Can use chooseteam button or kill command to switch between spectating and playing.
+: Plugin automatically disables on map change.  Automatically enables if it finds a start button in new map.  Setting the cvar climb to 1 in a map config will force the plugin to run.
c: Spectators stay listed as CT on CS scoreboard so their rank will always show.
c: Command amx_goto can be used by any player once they've completed the map.
c: Players don't spawn with scout or c4 anymore.
c: Newer unsolid render is default.
c: New unsolid code provides perfect touch detection and eliminates problems that occurred in some maps.
c: Decreased the wait time on some of the command timeouts.
c: Replicated button use code from HL SDK.  Start and finish button use detection is now perfect.
c: In maps with built in healing climb auto heal is disabled(some maps like this have falling areas where you're not supposed to heal).
f: Lag caused by respawning is pretty much eliminated by new weapon cleanup code and not giving as many weapons on spawn.
f: MySQL query format problem for auto increment fields.
f: SQLite query problem. Replaced single quotes around strings with double quotes.
f: HLTV proxies caused two adjacent rows in scoreboard to be same color.
f: Spectator lag bug.
f: Bug where players had 511 HP on every map.

v2.0a2 (FEB 16, 2007)
+: 2 addition boost types. Super jump and double jump. (No partner needed for boosting anymore)
+: Boosts are counted. (Not logged in DB yet.)
+: Stats saving in database. MySQL or SQLite. (MySQL not tested yet.  Only works with single db module enabled)
+: Players now get rewarded for finishing even without starting the timer.
+: Cvars for message color and position. (climb_msg_r, ..._g, ..._b, ..._x, ..._y)
+: Cvar climb_startmoney - Value to set money to when players start timer.
+: Cvar climb_stats_msg - Message to display on the HTML scoreboards.
+: Cvar climb_unsolid_type - Change rendering style for unsolid players.
+: Cvar climb_sounds - Disabled Climb plugin sounds.
+: Several cvars for database settings.
+: All players spawn at spawn point closest to the start button. (Eliminates cheat in maps with a spawn point at the finish button.)
+: Additional spawns added during map load to fix maps without enough spawns.
+: Timeouts for respawning and boosting.
+: Command "help". Displays HTML help pages.
-: AMX compatibility.  (AMX is officially dead)
c: Cvars now prefixed with climb_ instead of amx_.
c: Minor code optimizations.
c: Command "Boost" now takes players to the boost help page instead of activating solid boost.
c: All internal cvar handling is now done with pointers. (With the acception of cvars used only during init functions.)
c: Solid boost only lasts 15 seconds at a time now since its usage is being tracked.
c: Major internal rewrite (Probably added a few bugs. More major rewrites coming in next release.)

v1.9.19 (AUG 02, 2006)
+: New public cvar 'climb_version' to aid in searching for server with this plugin.
+: Show checkpoints, gochecks, and finish stats (Stats will be more extensive in next version) with finish announcement.
-: Global chat.  Use AllChat plugin instead.
-: Cvar: amx_climb_globchat
c: The /spec command now obeys the cvar "allow_spectators", clients with reserved slot always allowed.
c: Shows number of checks and gocheck on client finish announcement.
f: Bug caused by using stop command while paused.
c: Client commands reworked.  Everything functions the same, but with more functionality.  For example the gc command can be entered as any of the following: gc, /gc, \gc, say gc, say /gc, say \gc, say_team gc, etc...  

v1.9.18 (MAY 15, 2006)
c: Recoded the way health is handled.  Should work for any map now.

v1.9.17 (APR 07, 2006)
c: Plugin is now compatible with both AMX and AMXX.
c: The /spectate command can now be used by anyone.  Admin no longer required.

f: Added health fix for kz_cfl_yamakasi.
c: New CSS theme for html scoreboard.

+: Counts usage of CP and GC commands(only displayed on html scoreboard).
f: Added health fix for kz_lighthouse and kz_phoogi.

+: Colorized global chat. ADMIN_RESERVATION has name in green instead of team color.
+: /stop command.  Resets timer to zero, end climbing session.
c: Reset function.  /stop + /respawn.  Client is now reset automatically when pressing the start button if they are not already started.
f: YOU CAN'T GET STUCK ANYMORE!!! (Well almost. Doing gocheck a second time gets you unstuck.)
f: Global chat is now logged correctly and shows up in HLSW.

+: Hook is taken away when client starts timer, given back if they reset.
+: Max health fixes for several new maps.
+: Sort clients on CS scoreboard by climb rank.
+: Cvar amx_climb_boost - enable\disable boosting.
+: Cvar amx_climb_cpprice - charge money for checkpoints.
+: Custom configurable commands based on events. (climb.ini)
+: Global chat. cvar: amx_climb_globchat <1|0>
+: Client climb time is now shown using the round time HUD sprites.
-: Command /mytime, not needed because of HUD sprite timer.
-: Auto time display every 30 seconds, not needed because of HUD sprite timer.
c: Added another start button sound.
c: Super healing doors no longer removed. (Needed for shortcuts in some maps.)
f: Admins can't be alive as spectator even with 3rd party respawn plugin.
f: Keep godmode after respawning if finished map and not reset.
f: Admins VIP display on CS scoreboard is now updated whenever clients connect.
f: Health charger minimaps in kz_real_skyscraper & kz_northpole_b01.
f: Not teleporting to exact cp position if another client is on your cp.
f: Respawning outside of maps sometimes immediately after leaving spectator.
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fun>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <sqlx>
#include <string2>
#include <cstrike>
#include <cstrike2>

#define VERSION "a3.7.0 Nov 17 16:17 MST"


#define SF_MAX 50 //Maximum number of start/finish commands in climb.ini

#define CPGC_TIMEOUT 0.4 //In seconds, decimal allowed
#define SPAWN_TIMEOUT 2 //In seconds, whole number only / used for start button also
#define WPN_TIMEOUT 2 //In seconds, whole number only
#define BOOST_TIMEOUT 5 //In seconds, whole number only
#define KNIFE_TIMEOUT 2 //In seconds, whole number only

#define NAMELEN 15



//DB data
new db_last_del_id

//Client flags arrays
#define ORIGINS_SIZE 48
new Float:origins[33][ORIGINS_SIZE]
#define ORIG_UNGC 40
#define ORIG_PAUS 44
//#define ORIG_X 0
//#define ORIG_Y 1
//#define ORIG_Z 2
#define ORIG_GRAV 3

new time_stamps[33][5]//time_stamps[id][x]
#define TS_SPAWN 0
#define TS_BOOST 1
#define TS_WPN 2
#define TS_CPGC 3 //This one holds a flag, not a timestamp so it can be < 1 second
#define TS_KNIFE 4

#define TIMER_SIZE 16
new timer[33][TIMER_SIZE]//timer[id][x]:
#define TMR_CFLAGS 0	//Status
#define TMR_STARTD 1	//Start Time
#define TMR_FINISH 2	//Finish Time
#define TMR_CNTCPS 3	//CP Count
#define TMR_CNTGCS 4	//GC Count
#define TMR_CNTBST 5	//Boosts
#define TMR_BSTTME 6	//Best Time
#define TMR_BSTCPS 7	//Best CP
#define TMR_BSTGCS 8	//Best GC
#define TMR_BSTBST 9	//Number of boosts used
#define TMR_SESFIN 10	//Finished this session
#define TMR_MAPFIN 11	//Total times finished this map
#define TMR_DBUSER 12	//Database player ID; 0=not registered; -1=not registered & shared steam id
#define TMR_CPPOS  13	//Current CP offset, for cycling back and forward through cps
#define TMR_CNTWPN 14 //Current weapon rank modifier
#define TMR_BSTWPN 15 //Best score weapon rank modifier

//Temp save vars
new savepos = 0, steamid[32][32], Float:originssave[32][ORIGINS_SIZE], timersave[32][TIMER_SIZE]

//Other stuff
new hooked[33], hp = 100
new sfactions[SF_MAX][50], sfcount = 0
new ts_score, ts_hscore, bool:has_hscores = false //scoreboard timeouts
new spec_ids[33][33]
new beam_sprite

new ST_BTNS[9], FN_BTNS[9], ST_BTN_CNT = 0, FN_BTN_CNT = 0
new dyn_spawn_ids[32], dyn_spawn_count, Float:spawn_tp_orig[3], Float:start_tp_orig[3]

new bool:sclip[33],Float:post_think_vel[33][3],sc_fcount


//Bhop fix vars
#define MAX_DOORS 500
new door_count = 0, func_doors[MAX_DOORS][3], Float:door_tp_pos[MAX_DOORS][3]
new bhop_failid[33], bool:bhop_fail[33]
//func_doors[x]{ id, speed, angles }

//Cvar Pointers
new p_climb, p_auto, p_boost, p_cpprice, p_startmoney
new p_msg_r, p_msg_g, p_msg_b, p_msg_x, p_msg_y
new p_sounds, p_render
new p_stats_hsurl, p_stats_msg
new p_light_r, p_light_g, p_light_b
new p_start_respawn, p_water_nodraw
new p_allow_spectators, p_teambalance, p_limitteams

//Model size
//standing 32x32x72
//crouched 32x32x36

//#define TSK_AUTOHEAL 50		//50+ : Auto Heal
#define TSK_AUTORSPN 100	//100+: Auto Respawn
//#define TSK_BOOSTTMR 150	//150+: Solid Boost Timer
#define TSK_FLIGHT 200
#define TSK_BHOP   250
#define TSK_CLEAR_FAIL 300
#define TSK_MEASURE2 350

//Status timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]&=x
#define CF_NULL        0	//Passed to change_boost() to remove all boost flags
#define CF_STOP        (1<<0)	//STATUS FLAG: Not Started
#define CF_START       (1<<1)	//STATUS FLAG: Climbing
#define CF_PAUSE       (1<<2)	//STATUS FLAG: Paused
#define CF_SOLID       (1<<3)	//BOOST FLAG
#define CF_SUPER_JUMP  (1<<4)	//BOOST FLAG
#define CF_DOUBLE_JUMP (1<<5)	//BOOST FLAG
#define CF_LIGHT_ON    (1<<6)
//#define CF_NO_VIP    (1<<7)
#define CF_JUST_REGD	 (1<<8)
#define CF_MEASURE     (1<<9)
#define CF_MEASURE2    (1<<10)
#define CF_COUNTDOWN   (1<<11)
#define CF_SUNGLASSES  (1<<12)

new WPN_CLASS[30][17] = { "weapon_p228",
													"", //"weapon_hegrenade",
													"", //"weapon_c4",
													"", //"weapon_smokegrenade",
													"", //"weapon_flashbang",
													"", //"weapon_knife",
													"weapon_p90" }



//	Start: Init forwards
public plugin_init( )
	MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers( )
	register_plugin( "Climb", VERSION, "Ian Cammarata" )
	register_cvar( "climb_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER )
	//This line is for nightly builds only, to keep tracking cvar updated.
	set_cvar_string( "climb_version", VERSION )
	p_climb = register_cvar( "climb", "0", FCVAR_SERVER )
	p_auto = register_cvar( "climb_auto", "1" )
	p_boost = register_cvar( "climb_boost", "1" )
	p_cpprice = register_cvar( "climb_cpprice", "0" )
	p_startmoney = register_cvar( "climb_startmoney", "1337" )
	register_cvar( "climb_save", "1" )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_type", "sqlite" )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_host", "" )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_user", "" )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_pass", "", FCVAR_PROTECTED )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_name", "climb" )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_prefix", "climb_" )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_serverid", "" )
	register_cvar( "climb_db_exists", "0" )
	p_msg_r = register_cvar( "climb_msg_r", "0" )
	p_msg_g = register_cvar( "climb_msg_g", "150" )
	p_msg_b = register_cvar( "climb_msg_b", "250" )
	p_msg_x = register_cvar( "climb_msg_x", "0.05" )
	p_msg_y = register_cvar( "climb_msg_y", "0.5" )
	p_light_r = register_cvar( "climb_light_r", "255" )
	p_light_g = register_cvar( "climb_light_g", "255" )
	p_light_b = register_cvar( "climb_light_b", "255" )
	p_sounds = register_cvar( "climb_sounds", "1" )
	p_render = register_cvar( "climb_unsolid_type", "0" )
	p_start_respawn = register_cvar( "climb_start_respawn", "0" )
	p_water_nodraw = register_cvar( "climb_water_nodraw", "0" )
	p_stats_hsurl = register_cvar( "climb_stats_hsurl", "" ) //Use %s in place of map name
	p_stats_msg = register_cvar( "climb_stats_msg", "" )
	p_allow_spectators = get_cvar_pointer( "allow_spectators" )
	p_teambalance = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_autoteambalance" )
	p_limitteams = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_limitteams" )
	TEAM_BALANCE_OLD = get_pcvar_num( p_teambalance )
	LIMIT_TEAMS_OLD = get_pcvar_num( p_limitteams )	
	//Message Pseudo-Constants
	SVC_STATUSICON = get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" )
	SVC_TEAMINFO = get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" )
	SVC_ROUNDTIME = get_user_msgid( "RoundTime" )
	SVC_FLASHLIGHT = get_user_msgid( "Flashlight" )
	SVC_SCREENFADE = get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" )

	//These commands get blocked always.
	register_clcmd( "fullupdate", "block_cmd2" )
	//These commands get blocked when climb is enabled.
	register_clcmd( "chooseteam", "spectate" )
	register_clcmd( "buy", "block_cmd" )
	register_clcmd( "buyammo1", "block_cmd" )
	register_clcmd( "buyammo2", "block_cmd" )
	register_clcmd( "buyequip", "block_cmd" )
	register_clcmd( "jointeam", "block_jointeam" )
	//Commands to detect cheats.
	register_clcmd( "+hook", "phook" )
	register_clcmd( "+rope", "phook" )
	register_clcmd( "-hook", "mhook" )
	register_clcmd( "-rope", "mhook" )
	//Commands referencing function 'donothing' are picked up by the more flexible code in the client_command forward.
	register_clcmd( "say help", "help_msg" )
	register_clcmd( "say /help", "help_msg" )
	register_clcmd( "climbhelp", "donothing", 0, "- Veiw climb help." )
	register_clcmd( "cp", "donothing", _, "- Make a checkpoint" )
	register_clcmd( "gc", "donothing", _, "- Teleport to last checkpoint" )
	register_clcmd( "stuck", "donothing", _, "- Teleport to previous checkpoint" )
	register_clcmd( "restart","donothing", _, "- Stop and respawn." )
	register_clcmd( "stop", "donothing", _, "- End current climbing run." )
	register_clcmd( "pause", "donothing", _, "- Pause yourself." )
	register_clcmd( "scoreboard", "donothing", _, "- View score board." )
	register_clcmd( "respawn", "donothing", _, "- Force respawn" )
	register_clcmd( "boost", "donothing", _, "- Boost." )
	register_clcmd( "spec", "donothing", _, "- Spectate mode." )
	register_clcmd( "ungc", "donothing", _, "- Undo last gocheck." )
	//Commands related to stats account system.
	//register_clcmd( "register", "reg", _, "- (Console Only) Register for stats tracking." )
	register_clcmd( "login", "db_login", _, "- (Console Only) Login to stats account." )
	register_concmd( "climb_dbwho", "climb_dbwho", DBADMIN, "- List DB ID of current clients." )
	register_concmd( "climb_dbmap", "climb_dbmap", DBADMIN, "<Map Name> - List high scores for current map." )
	register_concmd( "climb_dbuser", "climb_dbuser", DBADMIN, "[DB User ID] - List high scores for given DB User ID." )
	register_concmd( "climb_dbdelete", "climb_dbdelete", DBADMIN, "[DB Score ID] - Delete score for given DB Score ID." )
	//temp commands
	//Admin Commands
	//Climb Flashlight
	//Init DB
	if( get_cvar_num( "climb_save" ) ) CLIMB_SAVE = true
	if( CLIMB_SAVE ) db_init( )
	//Init anti flood time stamps
	ts_score = get_systime( )
	ts_hscore = get_systime( )
	set_task( 0.5, "hudtime", _, _, _, "b" ) //Task to update time on clients HUD; Task set for half second to minimize flickering of the timer.
	set_task( 1.0, "spec_update", _, _, _, "b" ) //Task to update spectator array
	set_task( 5.0, "run_tasks", _, _, _, "b" )
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "CurWeapon" ), "CurWeapon" )
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "ReqState" ), "bot_msg_block" )
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "Radar" ), "bot_msg_block" )

	register_forward( FM_UpdateClientData, "PostUpdateClientData", 1 )
	//Make var folder if not exists
	new path[61]
	get_localinfo( "amxx_datadir", path, 60 )
	format( path, 60, "%s/var", path )
	if( !dir_exists( path ) ) mkdir( path )
	formatex( SCORES_PATH, 99, "%s/climb_scores.html", path )
	formatex( HSCORES_PATH, 99, "%s/climb_highscores.html", path )
	//Load Start/Finish Commands
	new ini[50]
	get_configsdir( ini, 49 )
	format( ini, 49, "%s/climb.ini", ini )
	if( file_exists( ini ) )
		new line = 0, text[50], len
		while( read_file( ini, line++, text, sizeof(text)-1 , len ) )
			if( !equal( text, ";", 1 ) && !equal( text, "#", 1 ) && !equal( text, "//", 2 ) )
				if( sfcount < SF_MAX )
					sfactions[sfcount] = text

public pfn_keyvalue( ent )
	//Create more ct spawns so everyone can join team
	if( dyn_spawn_count < 1 )
		new id
		for( dyn_spawn_count = 0; dyn_spawn_count < 30; dyn_spawn_count++ )
			id = create_entity( "info_player_start" )
			if( id > 0 )
				dyn_spawn_ids[dyn_spawn_count] = id
				entity_set_int( id, EV_INT_iuser1, 1 )

	static last_ent
	new class[31], key[31], val[31]
	copy_keyvalue( class, 30, key, 30, val, 30 )
	if( ent != last_ent && func_doors[door_count][0] && door_count < MAX_DOORS )
	if( equal( class, "func_door" ) )
		//func_doors[x]{ id, speed, angles }
		if( ent != last_ent ) func_doors[door_count][0] = ent

		if( equal( key, "speed" ) )
			func_doors[door_count][1] = str_to_num(val)
		if( equal( key, "dmg" ) )
			func_doors[door_count][0] = 0
		if( equal( key, "angles" ) )
			new angles[5]
			parse( val, angles, 4 )
			func_doors[door_count][2] = str_to_num( angles )
		last_ent = ent

public plugin_cfg( )
	new ent, ent2, tmpstr[33], Float:tmpflt
	if( func_doors[door_count][0] && door_count < MAX_DOORS )
	//Find tp spots for doors, in case they're used for bhop
	//func_doors[x]{ id, speed, angles }
	for( new i = 0; i < door_count; i++ )
		ent = func_doors[i][0]
		if( !is_valid_ent( ent ) ) func_doors[i][0] = 0 
			new Float:dmins[3], Float:dmaxs[3]
			entity_get_vector( ent, EV_VEC_mins, dmins )
			entity_get_vector( ent, EV_VEC_maxs, dmaxs )
			new dwid = floatround( dmaxs[0] - dmins[0] )
			new dlen = floatround( dmaxs[1] - dmins[1] )
			//If the door moves up, or is thin, remove it's id from the array
			if( func_doors[i][2] < 0 || dwid < 24 || dlen < 24 )
				func_doors[i][0] = 0
			//Otherwise find a safe tp spot in case it's a bhop door
				//If it has a targetname, change the id in array to targeter
				entity_get_string( ent, EV_SZ_targetname, tmpstr, 32 )
				if( strlen( tmpstr ) )
					ent2 = find_ent_by_target( -1, tmpstr )
					if( ent2 )
						func_doors[i][0] = ent2
						//If targeter is a button, remove it's id from the array
						entity_get_string( ent2, EV_SZ_classname, tmpstr, 32 )
						if( equal( tmpstr, "func_button" ) )
							func_doors[i][0] = 0
				new Float:tmpvec[3], Float:tmpvec2[3]
				new Float:dr_tc[3]
				dr_tc[0] = ( dmaxs[0] + dmins[0] ) / 2
				dr_tc[1] = ( dmaxs[1] + dmins[1] ) / 2
				dr_tc[2] = dmaxs[2]  
				tmpvec[0] = ( dmaxs[0] + dmins[0] ) / 2
				tmpvec[1] = dmaxs[1] + 20
				tmpvec[2] = dmaxs[2] + 20
				trace_line( ent, dr_tc, tmpvec, tmpvec2 )
				if( !trace_hull( tmpvec, HULL_HUMAN ) && tmpvec2[2] == tmpvec[2] )
					door_tp_pos[i] = tmpvec
					tmpvec[1] = dmins[1] - 20
					trace_line( ent, dr_tc, tmpvec, tmpvec2 )
					if( !trace_hull( tmpvec, HULL_HUMAN ) && tmpvec2[2] == tmpvec[2] )
						door_tp_pos[i] = tmpvec
						tmpvec[0] = dmaxs[0] + 20
						tmpvec[1] = ( dmaxs[1] + dmins[1] ) / 2
						trace_line( ent, dr_tc, tmpvec, tmpvec2 )
						if( !trace_hull( tmpvec, HULL_HUMAN ) && tmpvec2[2] == tmpvec[2] )
							door_tp_pos[i] = tmpvec
							tmpvec[0] = dmins[0] - 20
							door_tp_pos[i] = tmpvec
	//Store ent id's for start/fin buttons, some maps change target value after timer starts
	ent = find_ent_by_class( -1, "func_button" )
	while( ent > 0 )
		entity_get_string( ent, EV_SZ_target, tmpstr, 32 )
		if( equal( tmpstr, "counter_start" ) || equal( tmpstr, "clockstartbutton" )
			|| equal( tmpstr, "firsttimerelay" ) || equal( tmpstr, "gogogo" ) )
			ST_BTNS[ST_BTN_CNT] = ent
		else if( equal( tmpstr, "counter_off" ) || equal( tmpstr, "clockstopbutton" )
			|| equal( tmpstr, "clockstop" ) || equal( tmpstr, "stop_counter" ) )
			FN_BTNS[FN_BTN_CNT] = ent 
		ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_button" )
	if( ST_BTN_CNT /*|| get_pcvar_num( p_climb )*/ )
		get_brush_entity_origin( ST_BTNS[0], start_tp_orig )
		set_pcvar_num( p_teambalance, 0 )
		set_pcvar_num( p_limitteams, 0 )
		set_cvar_num( "sv_restartround", 1 )//reset timer built into map
		set_cvar_num( "sv_gravity", 800 )
		set_pcvar_num( p_climb, 1 )
		remove_entity_name("game_player_equip")//Remove map built in spawn weapons
		//Remove func_breakables with < 9999 hp	
		ent = find_ent_by_class( -1, "func_breakable" )
		while( ent > 0 )
			tmpflt = entity_get_float( ent, EV_FL_health )
			if( tmpflt < 9999 ) remove_entity( ent )		
			ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_breakable" )
		//Remove neg dmg func_door that aren't targeted by a button
				hp=floatround(tmpflt)//record hp for auto heal
				entity_get_string( ent, EV_SZ_targetname, tmpstr, 32 )
		if( hp < 0 ) hp = 511
		//Disable climb auto heal if there is a neg dmg trigger hurt
		//If Cvar set, set func_water ents to no draw, helps many peoples FPS
		if( get_pcvar_num( p_water_nodraw ) )
			ent = find_ent_by_class( -1, "func_water" )
			while( ent > 0 )
				set_entity_visibility( ent, 0 )
				ent=find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_water" )
		//Remove map built in start button sounds
		ent = find_ent_by_class( -1, "ambient_generic" )
		while( ent > 0 )
			entity_get_string( ent, EV_SZ_targetname, tmpstr, 32 )
			if( equal( tmpstr, "counter_start" ) || equal( tmpstr, "clockstartbutton" )
			|| equal( tmpstr, "firsttimerelay" ) || equal( tmpstr, "gogogo" ) )
				remove_entity( ent )
			ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "ambient_generic" )
		//Count original map spawns and remove extra dyn created spawns
		new map_spawns[32][2], map_spawns_count, Float:orig[3]
		ent = find_ent_by_class( -1, "info_player_start" )
		while( ent > 0 && map_spawns_count < 32 )
			if( entity_get_int( ent, EV_INT_iuser1 ) != 1 )
				entity_get_vector( ent, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
				map_spawns[map_spawns_count][0] = floatround( vector_distance( orig, start_tp_orig ) )
				map_spawns[map_spawns_count][1] = ent
				while( dyn_spawn_count >= 0 )
					entity_get_string( dyn_spawn_ids[dyn_spawn_count], EV_SZ_classname, tmpstr, 32 )
					if( equal( tmpstr, "info_player_start" ) &&
						entity_get_int( dyn_spawn_ids[dyn_spawn_count], EV_INT_iuser1 ) == 1 )
						remove_entity( dyn_spawn_ids[dyn_spawn_count] )
					else dyn_spawn_count--
			ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "info_player_start" )
		//Save origin of spawn closest to start
		SortStrings( map_spawns, map_spawns_count )
		entity_get_vector( map_spawns[0][1], EV_VEC_origin, spawn_tp_orig )
		new Float:tmpvec[3], Float:tmpvec2[3]
		tmpvec = start_tp_orig
		start_tp_orig[2] += 24
		start_tp_orig[0] += 40
		trace_line( ST_BTNS[0], tmpvec, start_tp_orig, tmpvec2 )
		if( !trace_hull( start_tp_orig, HULL_HUMAN ) && tmpvec2[2] == start_tp_orig[2] )

		start_tp_orig[0] -= 80
		trace_line( ST_BTNS[0], tmpvec, start_tp_orig, tmpvec2 )
		if( !trace_hull( start_tp_orig, HULL_HUMAN ) && tmpvec2[2] == start_tp_orig[2] )

		start_tp_orig[0] += 40
		start_tp_orig[1] += 40
		trace_line( ST_BTNS[0], tmpvec, start_tp_orig, tmpvec2 )
		if( !trace_hull( start_tp_orig, HULL_HUMAN ) && tmpvec2[2] == start_tp_orig[2] )

		start_tp_orig[1] -= 80
		trace_line( ST_BTNS[0], tmpvec, start_tp_orig, tmpvec2 )
		if( !trace_hull( start_tp_orig, HULL_HUMAN ) && tmpvec2[2] == start_tp_orig[2] )

		start_tp_orig = spawn_tp_orig
	{//if not kz map remove dyn created spawns
		while( dyn_spawn_count >= 0 )
			ent = dyn_spawn_ids[dyn_spawn_count]
			entity_get_string( ent, EV_SZ_classname, tmpstr, 32 )
			if( equal( tmpstr, "info_player_start" ) && entity_get_int( ent, EV_INT_iuser1 ) == 1 )

public plugin_precache( )
	beam_sprite = precache_model( "sprites/laserbeam.spr" )

stock Float:float_clamp( Float:curval, Float:minval, Float:maxval )
	if( curval < minval )return minval
	if( curval > maxval )return maxval
	return curval

//	End: Init forwards
public client_putinserver( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && !is_user_bot( id ) && !is_user_hltv( id ) )
		timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] = 0
		//search steamid to position reference for match
		new searchid[32]
		get_user_authid( id, searchid, 31 )
		for(new i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
			if( equal( searchid, steamid[i] ) )
			{//load origins & timer array if match found
				origins[id] = originssave[i]
				timer[id] = timersave[i]
		timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] += CF_STOP
		new ida[1]
		if( CLIMB_SAVE && timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] < 1 )
			set_task( 5.0, "auto_login", 0, ida, 1 )

public client_disconnect( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num(p_climb) )
		if( savepos == 31 ) savepos = 0
		new saveid[32]
		get_user_authid( id, saveid, 32 )
		//erase previous save if exists
		for( new i=0; i<32; i++ )
			if( equal( saveid, steamid[i] ) ) steamid[i] = ""		
		if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START ) change_status( id, CF_PAUSE ) //Pause if running
		steamid[savepos] = saveid //save steamid to position reference
		originssave[savepos] = origins[id] //save origins 
		timersave[savepos] = timer[id] //save timer array
		//clear data for new client in that slot
		for( new i = 0; i < 48; i++ ) origins[id][i] = 0.0
		for( new i = 0; i < 14; i++ ) timer[id][i] = 0
		hooked[id] = 0
		sortcssb( ) //Update frags to reorder scoreboard
//	Start: CP/GC functions
public set_cpgc_timeout( id )
	//Set timeout flag and set_task to clear it
	new ida[1]
	ida[0] = id
	time_stamps[id][TS_CPGC] = 1
	set_task( CPGC_TIMEOUT, "clear_cpgc_timeout", _, ida, 1 )

public clear_cpgc_timeout( ida[1] )
	return time_stamps[ida[0]][TS_CPGC]=0

//Save a checkpoint
public check( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && isalive( id ) && notpaused( id ) )
		new cpprice = get_pcvar_num( p_cpprice )
		if( cpprice > 0 )
			new cash = cs_get_user_money(id)
			if( cpprice > cash )
				clmsg(id,"You don't have enough cash for more checkpoints.")
				client_print(id,print_chat,"You don't have enough cash for more checkpoints.")
			cs_set_user_money( id, cash - cpprice )
		if( !hooked[id] )//If they're not hooked...
			new Float:vel[3]
			entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, vel )
			if( vel[2] >= 0 )//and they're not falling...
				new Float:coords[3]
				entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, coords )
				if( coords[0] || coords[1] || coords[2] )//and they're not at world origin, then save checkpoint
					if( timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] > 0 ) timer[id][TMR_CPPOS]--
					new cppos = timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] * 4
					//If cp position is 0 then bump all cps back before saving.
					if( !cppos ) for(new i=39; i>3 ;i-- ) origins[id][i] = origins[id][i-4]
					for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) origins[id][cppos + i] = coords[i]
					origins[id][3]=entity_get_float(id, EV_FL_gravity)
					new msg[100]="Checkpoint saved."
						formatex(msg,99,"Checkpoint saved. (%d CPS/ %d GCS/ %d Boosts)",timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS],timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS],timer[id][TMR_CNTBST])
					set_cpgc_timeout( id )
				else clmsg(id,"Can not save checkpoint at current location.")
			else clmsg(id,"You can't make checkpoints while falling.")
		else clmsg(id,"You can't make checkpoints while using hook.")

//Go to most recent checkpoint
public gocheck( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && isalive( id ) && notpaused( id ) && !time_stamps[id][TS_CPGC] )
		if( origins[id][0] || origins[id][1] || origins[id][2] )
			new Float:coords[3]
			//Store ungocheck data
			entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, coords )
			for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) origins[id][ORIG_UNGC + i] = coords[i]
			origins[id][ORIG_UNGC + 3] = entity_get_float( id, EV_FL_gravity )
			//Do gocheck
			new cppos = timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] * 4
			for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) coords[i] = origins[id][cppos + i]
			entity_set_float( id, EV_FL_gravity, origins[id][3] )
			teleport( id, coords )
			new msg[100]="Checkpoint restored."
				formatex(msg,99,"Checkpoint restored. (%d CPS/ %d GCS/ %d Boosts)",timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS],timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS],timer[id][TMR_CNTBST])
			set_cpgc_timeout( id )
			clmsg(id,"You must make a checkpoint first.")
			return 0
	return 1

//Undo a gocheck
public ungocheck( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num(p_climb) && isalive(id) && notpaused(id) && !time_stamps[id][TS_CPGC] )
		if( origins[id][ORIG_UNGC] || origins[id][ORIG_UNGC + 1] || origins[id][ORIG_UNGC + 2])
			new Float:coords[3]
			for( new i=0; i<3; i++ )coords[i] = origins[id][ORIG_UNGC + i]
			teleport( id, coords )
			entity_set_float( id, EV_FL_gravity, origins[id][ORIG_UNGC + 3] )
			if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START ) timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS]++
			clmsg( id, "You have been ungochecked." )
			set_cpgc_timeout( id )
		else clmsg(id,"Cannot ungocheck.")

//Cycle back through CPs
public cp_back( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && isalive( id ) && notpaused( id ) && !time_stamps[id][TS_CPGC] )
		if( timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] < 9 ) timer[id][TMR_CPPOS]++
		new cppos = timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] * 4
		if( origins[id][cppos] || origins[id][cppos + 1] || origins[id][cppos + 2] )
			new Float:coords[3]
			//for( new i=0; i<36; i++ ) origins[id][i] = origins[id][i+4]
			for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) coords[i] = origins[id][cppos + i]
			entity_set_float( id, EV_FL_gravity, origins[id][cppos + ORIG_GRAV] )
			teleport( id, coords )
			if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START ) timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS]++
			/*new msg[100]="Previous checkpoint restored."
			if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START )
				formatex( msg, 99, "Previous checkpoint restored. (%d CPS/ %d GCS/ %d Boosts)",\
					timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS], timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS], timer[id][TMR_CNTBST] )
			clmsg( id, msg )*/
			/*new cpprice = get_pcvar_num( p_cpprice )
			if( cpprice > 0 )
				new cash = cs_get_user_money( id )
				cs_set_user_money( id, cash + cpprice )
			set_cpgc_timeout( id )
			clmsg(id,"You have no previous checkpoints remaining.")

//Cycle forward through CPs
public cp_forward( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && isalive( id ) && notpaused( id ) && !time_stamps[id][TS_CPGC] && timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] > 0 )
		new cppos = timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] * 4
		new Float:coords[3]
		for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) coords[i] = origins[id][cppos + i]
		entity_set_float( id, EV_FL_gravity, origins[id][cppos + ORIG_GRAV] )
		teleport( id, coords )
		if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START ) timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS]++
		set_cpgc_timeout( id )
//	End: CP/GC functions
public change_status( id, newstat )
	new cflags_old = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	new cflags_new = cflags_old & ~CF_STATUSFLAGS

	if( newstat & CF_PAUSE )
		if( cflags_old & CF_PAUSE ) //unpause
			cflags_new += CF_START
			timer[id][TMR_STARTD] = get_systime() - timer[id][TMR_STARTD]
			set_entity_flags( id, FL_FROZEN, 0 )
			unsolid( id )
			entity_set_float( id, EV_FL_gravity, origins[id][ORIG_PAUS + ORIG_GRAV] )
			clmsg( id, "UNPAUSED" )
			sfexec( id, 2 )
		else if( cflags_old & CF_START ) //pause
			timer[id][TMR_STARTD] = get_systime() - timer[id][TMR_STARTD]
			cl_pause( id )
			cflags_new += CF_PAUSE
			clmsg( id, "You must start the timer before you can pause." )
			cflags_new = cflags_old
	else cflags_new += newstat
	timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] = cflags_new

public cl_pause( id )
	if( is_climber_alive( id ) )
		unsolid( id )
		set_rendering( id, kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 0, 255, kRenderTransColor, 1 )
		set_entity_flags( id, FL_FROZEN, 1 )
		clmsg( id, "PAUSED - say '/unpause' to resume." )

public stop( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START )
		change_status( id, CF_STOP )
		//Erase start/finish time stamps, prevents crazy number on scoreboard
		sfexec(id,4)	//Execute commands from start/finish config

//Start borrowed code : from KCE's attack blocking tutorial (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=41265)
public PostUpdateClientData( id, sendweapons, cd_handle )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && is_climber_alive( id ) )
		new wpn, clip, ammo
		wpn = get_user_weapon( id, clip, ammo )
		if( wpn == CSW_KNIFE )
			new remain = check_timeout( 0, time_stamps[id][TS_KNIFE], KNIFE_TIMEOUT, _, 1 ) 
			if( remain )
				set_cd(cd_handle, CD_flNextAttack, halflife_time() + remain )
				return FMRES_HANDLED
//End borrowed code

public CurWeapon( msg_id, msg_dest, id )
	new wpn = get_msg_arg_int( 2 )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) || !( 0 < wpn <= 30 ) )
	static client_oldwpn[33]	
	if( wpn != client_oldwpn[id] )
		rank_mod_update( id )
	client_oldwpn[id] = wpn
	//If it's a gun, update pack and clip ammo & silencer
	if( strlen( WPN_CLASS[wpn-1] ) )
		new wpn_id = find_ent_by_owner( -1, WPN_CLASS[wpn-1], id )
		if( !wpn_id ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
		new clip = get_msg_arg_int( 3 )
		new maxammo = 2
		//Force silencer w/o animation
		if( wpn == CSW_USP || wpn == CSW_M4A1 || wpn == CSW_TMP )
			if( wpn != CSW_TMP ) cs_set_weapon_silen( wpn_id, 1, 0 )
			maxammo = 10
			//Unlimited ammo for VIPs
			if( get_user_flags(id) & VIP )
				cs_set_weapon_ammo( wpn_id, 12 )
				if( clip != 12 )return PLUGIN_HANDLED
				set_msg_arg_int( 3, ARG_BYTE, 12 )
		//Set clip and backpack ammo
		cs_set_user_bpammo( id, wpn, maxammo - clip )
		if( clip > maxammo )
			set_msg_arg_int( 3, ARG_BYTE, maxammo )
			cs_set_weapon_ammo( wpn_id, maxammo )

public rank_mod_update( id )
	new rank, maxspeed = pev( id, pev_maxspeed )
	switch( maxspeed )
		case 210:
			rank = 0
		case 220:
			rank = 1
		case 230:
			rank = 2
		case 235:
			rank = 3
		case 240:
			rank = 4
		case 245:
			rank = 5
		case 250:
			rank = 6
		case 260:
			rank = 7
	if( rank > timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN] )
			timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN] = rank
	new msg[100]
	format( msg, 99, "Weapon Max Speed: %d^nRank Modifier: %d", maxspeed, rank )
	clmsg( id, msg )

public get_weapon_name( wpn_rank, ret_name[], len )
	new name[21]
	switch( wpn_rank )
		case 0:
			name = "AWP"
		case 1:
			name = "Para"
		case 2:
			name = "M4A1"
		case 3:
			name = "SG552"
		case 4:
			name = "Famas"
		case 5:
			name = "P90"
		case 6:
			name = "USP"
		case 7:
			name = "Scout"
	formatex( ret_name, len, name )

public bot_msg_block(msg_id,msg_dest,id)
	if(get_pcvar_num(p_climb)&&is_user_bot(id))return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public DeathMsg( )
{//Respawn client when they die unless switching to spec
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		new id = read_data(2)
		set_entity_flags( id, FL_FROZEN, 0 )//Unfreeze in case of switch to spectator.
		new ida[1]

public respawn_task(ida[]){//used by death_msg function
	new id=ida[0]
	if( !get_user_team( id ) || is_climber_alive( id ) || !isct( id ) )
	climb_user_spawn( id, 0 )

public frespawn( id )
	if( is_climber_alive( id ) ) teleport( id, spawn_tp_orig )
	else if( !check_timeout( id, time_stamps[id][TS_SPAWN], SPAWN_TIMEOUT ) )
		//if( get_user_team ( id ) == 3 ) cs_set_user_team( id, 2 )
		//cs_user_spawn( id )
		climb_user_spawn( id )

public tp_start_btn( id )
	if ( !is_climber_alive( id ) )
		//if( get_user_team ( id ) == 3 ) cs_set_user_team( id, 2 )
		//cs_user_spawn( id )
		climb_user_spawn( id )
	if( teleport( id, start_tp_orig ) ) return
	clmsg( id, "This map doesn't have a start button." )

stock climb_user_spawn( id, give_wpns = 1 )
	cs_user_spawn( id )
	set_pev( id, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_WALK )
	set_pev( id, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX )
	set_pev( id, pev_effects, 0 )
	set_pev( id, pev_deadflag, DEAD_NO )
	set_pev( id, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_AIM )
	set_pev( id, pev_health, 100 )
	cs_set_user_team( id, 2 )
	if( give_wpns )
		give_item( id, "weapon_knife" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_usp" )

public ResetHUD( id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		if( !is_user_bot( id ) && !is_user_hltv( id ) )
			flight_icons( id )//redraw flashlight hud icons
			set_msg_block( SVC_STATUSICON, 2 )//Block buy menu
			if( is_climber_alive( id ) )
				//set_pev( id, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_WALK )
				//cs_set_user_team( id, 2 )
				heal( id )
				sfexec( id, 1 )//Execute commands from start/finish config
				if( get_user_flags( id ) & VIP ) cs_set_user_scoreattrib( id, 4 )//Show admin as VIP on Scoreboard.
				if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_PAUSE )
				{//If they are paused tp to pause spot and freeze them again.
					new Float:coords[3]
					for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) coords[i] = origins[ id - 1 ][ ORIG_PAUS + i ]
					teleport( id, coords )
					cl_pause( id )
				//Teleport to cp, start, or primary spawn position
				else if( origins[ id - 1 ][ 0 ] || origins[ id - 1][ 1 ] || origins[ id - 1 ][ 2 ]) gocheck( id )
				else if( !teleport( id, start_tp_orig ) ) teleport( id, spawn_tp_orig ) 
		sortcssb( )
	else set_msg_block( SVC_STATUSICON, 0 )

public run_tasks( )
	updatebot( )
	check_cvars( )

public updatebot( )
		//new players[32], cl
		//get_players( players, cl, "ach" )
		new id = find_player( "i" )
		new cl = get_playersnum( )
		if( cl < MAXPLAYERS - 2 && !id )
			//Start borrowed code : from Space Headed's AMXX Bot(bot_api.sma) v0.5.1
			new name[32]
			format( name, 31, "Climb v%s", VERSION )
			id = engfunc( EngFunc_CreateFakeClient, name )
			if( pev_valid( id ) )
				engfunc( EngFunc_FreeEntPrivateData, id )
				dllfunc( MetaFunc_CallGameEntity, "player", id )
				set_user_info( id, "rate", "3500" )
				set_user_info( id, "cl_updaterate", "25" )
				set_user_info( id, "cl_lw", "1" )
				set_user_info( id, "cl_lc", "1" )
				set_user_info( id, "cl_dlmax", "128" )
				set_user_info( id, "cl_righthand", "1" )
				set_user_info( id, "_vgui_menus", "0" )
				set_user_info( id, "_ah", "0" )
				set_user_info( id, "dm", "0" )
				set_user_info( id, "tracker", "0" )
				set_user_info( id, "friends", "0" )
				set_user_info( id, "*bot", "1" )
				set_pev( id, pev_flags, pev( id, pev_flags ) | FL_FAKECLIENT )
				set_pev( id, pev_colormap, id )
				new msg[128]
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientConnect, id, name, "", msg )
				dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientPutInServer, id )
				engfunc( EngFunc_RunPlayerMove, id, Float:{0.0,0.0,0.0}, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 76 )
				//End borrowed code
				cs_set_user_team( id, 2 )
				cs_user_spawn( id )
		//else if(cl>2&&id)server_cmd("kick #%d",get_user_userid(id))
		else if( cl == MAXPLAYERS - 1 && id )
			set_entity_visibility( id, 1 )
			server_cmd( "kick #%d", get_user_userid( id ) )
		else if( is_user_bot( id ) && id )
			set_entity_visibility( id, 0 )
			entity_set_int( id, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_NOT )
			set_pev( id, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO )
			entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, Float:{999999,999999,999999} )
			call_think( id )

public check_cvars( )
	static bool:nodraw
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_water_nodraw ) && !nodraw )
		new ent = find_ent_by_class( -1, "func_water" )
		while( ent > 0 )
			set_entity_visibility( ent, 0 )
			ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_water" )
		nodraw = true
	else if( !get_pcvar_num( p_water_nodraw ) && nodraw )
		new ent = find_ent_by_class( -1, "func_water" )
		while( ent > 0 )
			set_entity_visibility( ent, 1 )
			ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_water" )
		nodraw = false

//Calculate a timeout, returns time remaining on timeout
stock check_timeout( id, &checktime, freq = 1, curtime = -1, nowrite = 0 )
	if( curtime < 0 ) curtime = get_systime( )
	new dif = checktime - curtime
	if( dif > 3600 ) checktime = curtime + freq
	if( curtime >= checktime )
		if( !nowrite ) checktime = curtime + freq
		return 0
	new msg[76]
	if( id > 0)
		format( msg, 75, "You must wait %d more seconds to use this command again.", dif )
		clmsg( id, msg )
	return dif

public change_boost( id, newboost )
{//Change Boost flags
	if( !( cvar_enabled( id, p_boost ) && isalive( id ) ) && notpaused( id ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	new msg[151], rmflag, cflags = timer[ id - 1 ][ TMR_CFLAGS ]
	if( cflags & CF_SOLID )
		if( task_exists( 150 + id ) ) remove_task( 150 + id )
		rmflag = CF_SOLID
		msg = "Solid Boost Disabled.^n"
	else if( cflags & CF_SUPER_JUMP )
		rmflag = CF_SUPER_JUMP
		msg = "Super Jump Disabled.^n"
	else if( cflags & CF_DOUBLE_JUMP)
		rmflag = CF_DOUBLE_JUMP
		msg = "Double Jump Disabled.^n"
	if( rmflag > 0 ) timer[ id - 1 ][ TMR_CFLAGS ] -= rmflag
	if( !( rmflag & newboost ) && \
		!check_timeout( id, time_stamps[id][TS_BOOST], BOOST_TIMEOUT, ( cflags & CF_START ? get_climber_time( id ) : get_systime() ) ) )
		if( newboost == CF_SOLID )
			format( msg, 150, "%sSolid Boost Enabled.", msg )
			new ida[1]
			ida[0] = id
			set_task( 15.0, "solid_boost_timer", 150 + id, ida, 1 )
			if( timer[ id - 1 ][ TMR_CFLAGS ] & CF_START ) timer[ id - 1 ][ TMR_CNTBST ]++
		if( newboost == CF_SUPER_JUMP ) format( msg, 150, "%sSuper Jump Enabled.", msg )
		if( newboost == CF_DOUBLE_JUMP ) format( msg, 150, "%sDouble Jump Enabled.", msg )
		timer[ id - 1 ][ TMR_CFLAGS ] |= newboost

//Task to auto disable solid boost after timeout
public solid_boost_timer( ida[] )
	change_boost( ida[0], CF_SOLID )

/*public server_frame( )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		new players[32], bool:skip[32], num, i, j
		new Float:orig_i[3], Float:orig_j[3]
		new Float:vel_i[3], Float:vel_iz[3]
		new id_i, id_j, cflags_i, cflags_j
		get_players( players, num, "ac" )
		for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
			id_i = players[i]
			cflags_i = timer[id_i][TMR_CFLAGS]
			if( !( cflags_i & CF_PAUSE ) )
				entity_get_vector( id_i, EV_VEC_origin, orig_i )
				entity_get_vector( id_i, EV_VEC_velocity, vel_i )
				vel_iz[0] = vel_i[0] > 0 ? -70.0 : 70.0
				vel_iz[1] = vel_i[1] > 0 ? -70.0 : 70.0
				vel_iz[2] = vel_i[2] > 0 ? -120.0 : 120.0

				if( !vel_i[0] ) vel_i[0] = vel_iz[0] * -1
				if( !vel_i[1] ) vel_i[1] = vel_iz[1] * -1
				if( !vel_i[2] ) vel_i[2] = vel_iz[2] * -1
				for( j=0; j<num; j++ )
					if( i != j )
						id_j = players[j]
						cflags_j = timer[id_j][TMR_CFLAGS]
						if( ( !( cflags_i & CF_SOLID && cflags_j & CF_SOLID ) || skip[i] ) && !( cflags_j & CF_PAUSE ) )
							entity_get_vector( id_j, EV_VEC_origin, orig_j )
							if( is_between_f( orig_j[0], orig_i[0] + vel_iz[0], orig_i[0] + vel_i[0] ) && 
									is_between_f( orig_j[1], orig_i[1] + vel_iz[1], orig_i[1] + vel_i[1] ) &&
									is_between_f( orig_j[2], orig_i[2] + vel_iz[2], orig_i[2] + vel_i[2] ) )
								unsolid( id_i )
								unsolid( id_j )
								skip[i] = true
								skip[j] = true
								//maybe reset j first time i runs this, to unsolid anyone they might be boosting with
				if( !skip[i] ) solid( id_i )
public server_frame( )
	if( !get_pcvar_num(p_climb) )
	if( sc_fcount > 9 ) sc_fcount = 0
	new players[32],num,i,j,Float:c1[3],Float:c2[3]
	new Float:c1z[3],Float:c2z[3]
	new id_i,id_j,cflags_i,cflags_j
	//new Float:c1d[3],Float:c2d[3],xyadd,zadd

stock bool:is_between_f( Float:mid, Float:a, Float:b )
	if( a < b && ( a < mid < b ) ) return true 
	if( a > b && ( a > mid > b ) ) return true
	return false

stock Float:vector_z_distance_f( Float:vec1[3], Float:vec2[3] )
	return Float:floatsqroot( ( vec1[2] - vec2[2] ) ^ 2.0 )

stock Float:vector_xy_distance_f( Float:vec1[3], Float:vec2[3] )
	return Float:floatsqroot( ( ( vec1[0] - vec2[0] ) ^ 2.0 ) + ( ( vec1[1] - vec2[1] ) ^ 2.0 ) )

public client_PreThink( id )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) || is_user_bot( id ) || !is_climber_alive( id ) )
	if( sclip[id] && sc_fcount == 9 ) entity_set_int( id, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_BBOX )
	//Detect button use. Replicated from HL SDK
	if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_USE && !( get_user_oldbutton( id ) & IN_USE ) )
		new entlist[3], count
		count = find_sphere_class( id, "func_button", 64.0, entlist, 3 )
		if( count )
			new Float:orig[3]
			for( new i = 0; i < count; i++ )
				get_brush_entity_origin( entlist[i], orig )
				if( is_in_viewcone( id, orig ) ) button_used( id, entlist[i] )
	new cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	//Double and super jump boosts
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_boost ) )
		new bool:onground = false
		if( get_entity_flags( id ) & FL_ONGROUND ) onground = true
		if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_JUMP )
			if( cflags & CF_SUPER_JUMP && onground )
				entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, post_think_vel[id] )
				if( post_think_vel[id][0] != 0.0 || post_think_vel[id][1] != 0.0)
					velocity_by_aim( id, 400, post_think_vel[id] )
					if( post_think_vel[id][2] < 250.0) post_think_vel[id][2] = 250.0
					if( post_think_vel[id][2] > 350.0) post_think_vel[id][2] = 350.0
				else post_think_vel[id] = Float:{0.0,0.0,0.0}
			else if( cflags & CF_DOUBLE_JUMP )
				if( !onground && !(get_user_oldbutton( id ) & IN_JUMP ) )
					entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, post_think_vel[id] )
					float_clamp( post_think_vel[id][0], -150.0, 150.0 )
					float_clamp( post_think_vel[id][1], -150.0, 150.0 )
					if( is_finished( id ) || post_think_vel[id][2] > -500 ) post_think_vel[id][2] = 250.0
					else post_think_vel[id] = Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
	//Prevent drowning
	// waterlevel 0 - not in water
	// waterlevel 1 - feet in water
	// waterlevel 2 - waist in water
	// waterlevel 3 - head in water
	if( pev( id, pev_waterlevel ) == 3 ) set_pev( id, pev_waterlevel, 2 )
	new button = pev( id, pev_button )
	new oldbutton = pev( id, pev_oldbuttons )
	//If measure flag is set, call measure function
	if( !( oldbutton & IN_ATTACK ) && button & IN_ATTACK )
		if( cflags & CF_MEASURE ) do_measure( id )
		else if( cflags & CF_MEASURE2 ) do_measure2( id, 1 )
	//Knife attack timeout
	new wpn, clip, ammo
	wpn = get_user_weapon( id, clip, ammo )
	if( wpn == CSW_KNIFE )
		if( button & IN_ATTACK || button & IN_ATTACK2 )
		if( check_timeout( 0, time_stamps[id][TS_KNIFE], KNIFE_TIMEOUT ) )
			set_pev( id, pev_button, pev( id, pev_button ) & ~IN_ATTACK_EITHER )

public client_PostThink(id)
	if( !( get_pcvar_num(p_climb) && get_pcvar_num(p_boost) && is_climber_alive( id ) ) || is_user_bot(id) )
	if( sclip[id] ) entity_set_int( id, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_NOT )
	if( _:get_distance( _:post_think_vel[id], { 0, 0, 0 } ) )
		entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, post_think_vel[id] )
		post_think_vel[id] = Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
		if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START )
			timer[id][TMR_CNTBST]++	//Increment client boost count
			change_boost( id, CF_NULL )
		else if( !is_finished(id) )change_boost( id, CF_NULL )
	//Store pause data
	if( !( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_PAUSE ) )
		new Float:coords[3]
		entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, coords )
		for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) origins[id][ORIG_PAUS+i] = coords[i]
		origins[id][ORIG_PAUS+3] = entity_get_float( id, EV_FL_gravity )

public button_used( id, button )
	new btn_type = 0
	for( new i = 0; i < ST_BTN_CNT || i < FN_BTN_CNT; i++ )
		if( i < ST_BTN_CNT )
			if( button == ST_BTNS[i] )
				btn_type = 1
		if( i < FN_BTN_CNT )
			if( button == FN_BTNS[i] )
				btn_type = 2
	//new cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	if( btn_type == 1 )//Start Button
		new Float:orig[3], bool:need_respawn = true //Float:view[3]
		if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START ) need_respawn = false
		for( new i = 0; i < 48; i++ ) origins[id][i] = 0.0 //Erase checkpoints
		//Set all associated variables
		timer[id][TMR_STARTD] = get_systime()
		timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS] = 0
		timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS] = 0
		timer[id][TMR_CNTBST] = 0
		timer[id][TMR_CPPOS] = 0
		timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN] = 0
		time_stamps[id][TS_BOOST] = BOOST_TIMEOUT
		if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_COUNTDOWN ) set_countdown_time( id )
		//Record starting weapon
		rank_mod_update( id )
		//Respawn client to clear items.
		if( need_respawn && get_pcvar_num( p_start_respawn ) )
			entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
			//entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_angles, view )
			cs_user_spawn( id )
			entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
			//entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_angles, view )
			delay_duck( id )
		heal( id )
		cs_set_user_money( id, get_pcvar_num( p_startmoney ) )
		//Play random start sound and text messages
		if( get_pcvar_num( p_sounds ) ) switch( random_num( 0, 2 ) )
			case 0:client_cmd( id, "spk barney/beertopside" )
			case 1:client_cmd( id, "spk scientist/c3a2_sci_portopen" )
			case 2:client_cmd( id, "spk barney/c1a2_ba_climb" )
		change_boost( id, CF_NULL ) //Disable Boosts
		clmsg(id,"Timer started. Go Go Go!!!")
		//client_print(id,print_chat,"Timer started. Go Go Go!!!")
		sfexec( id, 2 ) //Execute commands from start/finish config
		sortcssb( ) //Update frags to reorder scoreboard
	else if( btn_type == 2 )//Finish Button
		if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START)
			//Set client variables
			timer[id][TMR_FINISH] = get_systime( )
			change_status( id, CF_STOP )
			//Announce to client
			if( get_pcvar_num( p_sounds ) ) client_cmd( 0, "spk woop" )
			clmsg( id, "Congratulations 1337 climber." )
			//client_print(id,print_chat,"Congratulations 1337 climber.")
			new name[32], msg[21]
			formatex( msg, sizeof( msg ) - 1, "%s^t%s", getuserstatus( id ), parsetime( get_climber_time( id ) ) )
			new wpn[11]
			get_weapon_name( timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN], wpn, 10 )
			//Announce to all
			get_user_name( id, name, 32 )
			client_print( 0, print_chat, "%s^t%s^t(%s/ %d CPS/ %d GCS/ %d Boosts)^tCompleted (%d, %d)",
				name, msg,
				wpn, timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS], timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS], timer[id][TMR_CNTBST],
				timer[id][TMR_SESFIN], timer[id][TMR_MAPFIN] )
			new cnt_score = ( ( ( timer[id][TMR_CNTBST] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 1000000 ) +
				( ( timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 100000 ) +
				( timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN] * 10000 ) +
				get_climber_time( id ) )
			new bst_score = ( ( ( timer[id][TMR_BSTBST] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 1000000 ) +
				( ( timer[id][TMR_BSTCPS] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 100000 ) +
				( timer[id][TMR_BSTWPN] * 10000 ) +
				timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] )
			if( cnt_score < bst_score || bst_score == 0 )
				timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] = get_climber_time( id )
				timer[id][TMR_BSTCPS] = timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS]
				timer[id][TMR_BSTGCS] = timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS]
				timer[id][TMR_BSTBST] = timer[id][TMR_CNTBST]
				timer[id][TMR_BSTWPN] = timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN]
			sfexec( id, 2 )//Execute commands from start/finish config
			if( CLIMB_SAVE ) db_save( id )
			sortcssb( ) //Update frags to reorder scoreboard
		else if(timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]&CF_STOP&&timer[id][TMR_SESFIN]==0){
			new msg[100]="Congratulations, you finished! But you didn't start the timer. :("
			//Execute commands from start/finish config
			//If stats save enabled warn unregistered clients to register

//Execute commands from start/finish config
public sfexec(id,clevent){
	new clstat[3],cflags=timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
		case TMR_CFLAGS_STOP: clstat="ns"
		case TMR_CFLAGS_STRT: clstat="st"
		case TMR_CFLAGS_FNSH: clstat="fn"
	else if(cflags&CF_STOP)clstat="ns"
	else if(cflags&CF_START)clstat="st"
	//else if(timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]&CF_FINISH)clstat="fn"
	for(new i=0;i<sfcount;i++){
		new cmdstat[3],cmdevent[2],cmdtype[3],cmd[60],idtype[5]
					new name[24]

//Update frags to reorder scoreboard
public sortcssb( )
	new players[32], num, id
	get_players_ordered( players, num )
	for( new i = 0 ; i < num; i++ )
		id = players[i]
		set_user_frags( id, 0 )
		cs_set_user_deaths( id, i + 1 )
		message_begin( MSG_ALL, SVC_TEAMINFO )
		write_byte( id )
		write_string( "CT" )
		message_end( )
	//Show bot as spectator on scoreboard
	message_begin( MSG_ALL, SVC_TEAMINFO )
	write_byte( find_player( "i" ) )
	write_string( "SPECTATOR" )
	message_end( )

//Returns array of client id's sorted by climb time
public get_players_ordered( players[32], &num )
	get_players( players, num, "ch" )
	new i, id, pdata[32][3] //{ status, score, id }
	for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
	{//Fill player data sorting array
		id = players[i]
		pdata[i][2] = id
		if( timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] )
		{//Has high score
			pdata[i][0] = 0
			pdata[i][1] = ( ( ( timer[id][TMR_BSTBST] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 1000000 ) +
				( ( timer[id][TMR_BSTCPS] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 100000 ) +
				( timer[id][TMR_BSTWPN] * 10000 ) +
				timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] )
		else if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START || timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_PAUSE )
		{//Has time but no high score
			pdata[i][0] = 1
			pdata[i][1] = ( ( ( timer[id][TMR_CNTBST] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 1000000 ) +
				( ( timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 100000 ) +
				( timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN] * 10000 ) +
				get_climber_time( id ) ) 
		else pdata[i][0] = 2 //No time or high score
	SortStrings( pdata, num )
	for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		players[i] = pdata[i][2]

/*public get_limit(){
		//return 0
	new url[100]
		return false
	return true

/*public get_url( id, file[] )
	new url[100]
	get_pcvar_string( p_stats_url, url, 99 )
	//	new ip[10],iip[33],eip[33],port[10]
	//	get_user_ip(id,ip,9)
	//	get_pcvar_string(p_ip_internal,iip,32)
	//	get_pcvar_string(p_ip_external,eip,32)
	//	get_pcvar_string(p_port,port,9)
	//	if(equal(ip,"192.168.",8))format(url,99,"http://%s:%s/%s",iip,port,file)
	//	else format(url,99,"http://%s:%s/%s",eip,port,file)
	if( strlen( url ) ) format( url, 99, "%sclimb_scores.html", url )
	return url

stock sb_add_tabs( str[], size)
	new len = strlen( str )// > 7 ? 1 : 2
	add( str[len], size, "^t")
	if( len < 8 ) add( str[len+1], size, "^t")

public climbscores( id )
{//Show scoreboard
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		if( get_systime() - ts_score > 2 )
			new fh = fopen( SCORES_PATH, "w" )
			//Header-8 cols: #, name, status, time, sct/cp/gc/boost, Best, cp/gc/boost, Completed
			fprintf( fh, "<link rel=stylesheet href=http://ian.cammarata.us/sb><table><tr><td id=a>" )
			fprintf( fh, "<pre>#	Name		Status		Time	Wpn/CP/GC/Bst	Best	...		Fin</pre>" )
			fprintf( fh, "</td></tr><tr id=b><td></td></tr><tr><td><pre>" )
			new line[251], name[NAMELEN+2], players[32], num, tid, written_len
			new ctime, cwpn, ccp, cgc, cbst
			new btime, bwpn, bcp, bgc, bbst
			new ctime_str[20], btime_str[20]
			get_players_ordered( players, num )
			for(new i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
				tid = players[i]
				get_user_name( tid, name, NAMELEN)
				sb_add_tabs( name, NAMELEN+2 )
				ctime = get_climber_time(tid)
				cwpn = timer[tid][TMR_CNTWPN]
				ccp = timer[tid][TMR_CNTCPS]
				cgc = timer[tid][TMR_CNTGCS]
				cbst = timer[tid][TMR_CNTBST]
				format( ctime_str, 19, "%d/%d/%d/%d", cwpn, ccp, cgc, cbst )
				sb_add_tabs( ctime_str, 19 )
				btime = timer[tid][TMR_BSTTME]
				bwpn = timer[tid][TMR_BSTWPN]
				bcp = timer[tid][TMR_BSTCPS]
				bgc = timer[tid][TMR_BSTGCS]
				bbst = timer[tid][TMR_BSTBST]
				format( btime_str, 19, "%d/%d/%d/%d", bwpn, bcp, bgc, bbst )
				sb_add_tabs( btime_str, 19 )
				formatex( line, 250,
					"%s%d	%s%s	%s	%s%s	%s%d%s",
					i % 2 ? "" : "<div>",
					i, htmlspecialchars( name ),
					getuserstatus( tid ),
					parsetime( ctime ), ctime_str,
					parsetime( btime ), btime_str,
					i % 2 ? "" : "</div>" )
				written_len += strlen( line )
				//if( limit && written_len > ( 1263 - strlen( cust_msg ) ) ) break
				if( written_len > 1263 ) break
				fprintf( fh, line )
			new cust_msg[33]
			get_pcvar_string( p_stats_msg, cust_msg, 32 )
			if( !strlen( cust_msg ) ) formatex( cust_msg, 32, "Climb %s", VERSION )
			fprintf( fh, "</pre></td></tr><tr id=d><td></td></tr><tr><td id=e></td></tr><tr>" )
			fprintf( fh, "<td id=a>%s</td></tr></table>", cust_msg )
			fclose( fh )	
			ts_score = get_systime()
		show_motd( id, SCORES_PATH, "Current Scores" )

public parsetime(sec){//Convert seconds to time string with zero padded seconds field
	new timestr[9],mins
	return timestr

public get_climber_time( id )
{//Calculate client climb time in seconds
	/*new ptime,cflags=timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	else if(cflags&CF_STOP)ptime=0
	else if(cflags&CF_START)ptime=get_systime()-timer[id][TMR_STARTD]
	else if(cflags&CF_PAUSE)ptime=timer[id][TMR_STARTD]*/
	new cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	if( cflags & CF_START ) return get_systime()-timer[id][TMR_STARTD]
	else if( cflags & CF_PAUSE ) return timer[id][TMR_STARTD]
	return timer[id][TMR_FINISH]-timer[id][TMR_STARTD]

public hudtime( )
{//Set clock on HUD to current climb time
	if( !get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) ) return
	new id, players[32], num, cltime, cflags
	get_players( players, num, "ach" )
	for( new i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		id = players[i]
		cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
		cltime = get_climber_time(id) + 1
		if( cflags & CF_PAUSE )
			clmsg( id, "PAUSED - say '/unpause' to resume." )
			cl_pause( id )
		if( !( cflags & CF_COUNTDOWN ) || ( timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] - get_climber_time( id ) < 0 ) )
			hudtime_msg( id, cltime )
		else if( cflags & CF_PAUSE )
			hudtime_msg( id, timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] - cltime + 1 )
		for( new j = 1; j <= spec_ids[id][0]; j++ )
			hudtime_msg( spec_ids[id][j], cltime )

public toggle_countdown( id )
	//Toggle countdown flag and print message
	if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_COUNTDOWN )
		if( set_countdown_time( id ) )
			clmsg( id, "Countdown enabled." )
		clmsg( id, "Countdown disabled." )

public bool:set_countdown_time( id )
	new bsttime = timer[id][TMR_BSTTME]
	if( bsttime > 0 )
		new cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
		if( cflags & CF_START || cflags & CF_PAUSE )
			hudtime_msg( id, timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] - get_climber_time( id ) )
		return true
	clmsg( id, "Countdown disabled: No high score available." )
	return false

public hudtime_msg( id, cltime )
	message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_ROUNDTIME, _, id )
	write_short( cltime )
	message_end( )

public getuserstatus( id )
{//Return string describing user status
	new msg[12], cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	msg = "PAUSED"
	if( cflags & CF_STOP && timer[id][TMR_SESFIN] > 0 )
		msg = "Finished"
	else if( cflags & CF_STOP )
		msg = "Not Started"
	else if( cflags & CF_START )
		msg = "Climbing"
	//else if( cflags & CF_PAUSE ) msg = "PAUSED"
	//return "PAUSED"
	return msg

stock clmsg( id, msg[] )
{//Show Hud Message
	set_hudmessage( get_pcvar_num( p_msg_r ), get_pcvar_num( p_msg_g ), get_pcvar_num( p_msg_b ),
		get_pcvar_float( p_msg_x ), get_pcvar_float( p_msg_y ), 0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.5, 0.5, 4 )
	show_hudmessage( id, msg )
	//Show to spectators
	for( new i = 1; i <= spec_ids[id][0]; i++ )
		show_hudmessage( spec_ids[id][i], msg )
//Fill spectator data array used for msg replication
public spec_update(){
		new players[32],num,id,id2,i
//Make client solid
public solid(id)
//Make client unsolid
public unsolid(id)
	else set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxPulseSlow,0,0,0,kRenderTransTexture,50)
//	Start: Functions for use in if statements
public is_climber_alive( id )
	new movetype = pev( id, pev_movetype )
	if( movetype ==  MOVETYPE_WALK || movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY )
		return 1
	return 0

public playersolid( id )
	if(entity_get_int(id,EV_INT_solid)==SOLID_BBOX)return 1
	return 0

public isct(id){//Used in IF statements a lot
	if(get_user_team(id)==2)return 1
	return 0

public is_finished( id )
	new cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	if( cflags & CF_STOP && ( get_user_flags( id ) & VIP || timer[id][TMR_SESFIN] > 0 ) )
		return 1
	return 0

public isalive(id){//Use in IF statements to automatically print error if false
	if( is_climber_alive( id ) )return 1
	clmsg(id,"You must be alive to execute this command.")
	return 0

public notpaused(id){//Use in IF statements to automatically print error if false
	if(!(timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]&CF_PAUSE))return 1
	clmsg(id,"You can't execute this command while paused.")
	return 0

/*public regwarn(id){
		saytext(id,id,"^x04You must register/login for your stats to save. Say /climbhelp for more info.")
		return 1
	return 0
//	End: Functions for use in if statements
//	Start: Auto Heal functions
public damage(id){//Called when client takes damage
	new ida[1]

public damage_handle( ida[1] )
{//Damage hander, delayed to provide HUD consistency
	new id = ida[0]
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb )&& is_climber_alive( id ) )
		new chp = get_user_health( id )
		if( chp != hp )
			heal( id )
			/*new wpn, atk = get_user_attacker( id, wpn )
			//Heal hp immediately
			if( ( atk == 0 || ( id == atk && wpn == 0) ) && !task_exists( 50 + id ) )
			//Heal delayed
				if( task_exists( 50 + id ) ) remove_task( 50 + id )
				set_task( 5.0, "task_heal", 50 + id, ida, 1 )
				//Fix hp display at 0
				if( chp == 256 ) set_user_health( id, 257 )
		else if( task_exists( 50 + id ) ) remove_task( 50 + id )

public task_heal(ida[]){//Heal client to predetermined HP required by map

public heal(id){
	if( is_climber_alive( id ) )
		else if(hp)set_user_health(id,hp)
		else if(get_user_health(id)>100)set_user_health(id,100)
//	End: Auto Heal functions
//	Start: Multiplay Bunny Hop functions
public pfn_touch( ent, id )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
	//Clean up dropped stuff
	new str[21]
	entity_get_string( ent, EV_SZ_classname, str, 20 )
	if( equal( str, "weaponbox" ) || equal( str, "item_thighpack" ) )
		remove_entity( ent )
	if( pev_valid( id ) )
		entity_get_string( id, EV_SZ_classname, str, 20 )
		if( equal( str, "weaponbox" ) || equal( str, "item_thighpack" ) )
			remove_entity( id )
	else return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	if ( !ent || !id )
	//Make sure id is player and ent is object
	if( 0 < ent <= MAXPLAYERS )
		new tmp = id
		id = ent
		ent = tmp
	else if( !( 0 < id <= MAXPLAYERS ) )
	//Bhop stuff
	new dpos = door_in_array( ent )
	if( dpos > -1 )
		//Finished can stand on bhop blocks
		if( is_finished( id ) )
		if( bhop_failid[id] != ent )
			bhop_failid[id] = ent
			bhop_fail[id] = false
			new tskid = TSK_BHOP + id
			if( task_exists( tskid ) )
				remove_task( tskid )
			set_task( 0.2, "bhop_set_fail", tskid )
			tskid = TSK_CLEAR_FAIL + id
			if( task_exists( tskid ) )
				remove_task( tskid )
			set_task( 0.7, "bhop_clear_fail", tskid )
		else if( bhop_fail[id] )
			teleport( id, door_tp_pos[dpos] )
			bhop_failid[id] = 0
			bhop_fail[id] = false

public door_in_array( door )
	for( new i = 0; i < door_count; i++ )
		if( func_doors[i][0] == door )
			return i
	return -1

public bhop_set_fail( tskid )
	bhop_fail[tskid-TSK_BHOP] = true

public bhop_clear_fail( tskid )
	new id = tskid - TSK_CLEAR_FAIL
	bhop_failid[id] = 0
	bhop_fail[id] = false

//	End: Multiplay Bunny Hop functions

/*public spawn_distance_sort(elem1[],elem2[]){
	if(elem1[1]<elem2[1])return -1
	if(elem1[1]>elem2[1])return 1
	return 0

//Future use, to block hook, or detect hook cheaters a.k.a. hookers
public phook( id )
	hooked[id] = 1

public mhook( id )
	hooked[id] = 0

//	Start: Flashlight functions
public flight_icons( id )
	if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_LIGHT_ON )
		if( !task_exists( TSK_FLIGHT + id ) )
			set_task( 0.1, "flight_msg", TSK_FLIGHT + id, _, _, "b" )
		message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_FLASHLIGHT, _, id )
		write_byte( 1 )
		write_byte( 100 )
		message_end( )
		message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_STATUSICON, _, id )
		write_byte( 1 ) //on
		write_string( "flash_beam" )
		write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_light_r ) ) //r
		write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_light_g ) ) //g
		write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_light_b ) ) //b
		message_end( )
		message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_FLASHLIGHT, _, id )
		write_byte( 0 )
		write_byte( 100 )
		message_end( )
		message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_STATUSICON, _, id )
		write_byte( 0 ) //off
		write_string( "flash_beam" )
		message_end( )
public tog_flight(id){
	if(!get_pcvar_num(p_climb))return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
	else timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]-=CF_LIGHT_ON

public flight_msg(tskid){
		new orig[3],id=tskid-TSK_FLIGHT
//	End: Flashlight functions
public teleport( id, Float:orig[3] )
{//Used to teleport clients, prevents client collisions and getting stuck
	//Don't tp if vector is all zeros
	if( !( orig[0] || orig[1] || orig[2] ) ) return 0
	new Float:c2[3], player, players[32], num
	get_players( players, num, "ac" )
	unsolid( id )
	for( new i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		player = players[i]
		if( id != player )
			entity_get_vector( player, EV_VEC_origin, c2 )
			if( vector_distance( orig, c2 ) < 90 ) unsolid( player )
	entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0} )
	entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
	delay_duck( id )
	return 1

public delay_duck(id){//Used by teleport and timer start respawn, prevents getting stuck
	new ida[1]

public force_duck(ida[1]){//Task for delay_duck

public cvar_enabled(id,p_cvar){//Used in IF statements to automatically print error if false
		clmsg(id,"This command is disabled.")
		client_print(id,print_chat,"This command has been disabled by the server administrator.")
		return 0
	return 1
//	Start: Climb command handling functions

public sunglasses( id )
	//Toggle flag for this measure and print message
	if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_SUNGLASSES )
		message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_SCREENFADE, _, id )
		write_short( 1 ) //total duration
		write_short( 0 ) //time it stays one color
		write_short( 5 ) //fade type
		write_byte( 0 ) //r
		write_byte( 0 ) //g
		write_byte( 0 ) //b
		write_byte( 127 ) //a
		message_end( )
		message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_SCREENFADE, _, id )
		write_short( 1 ) //total duration
		write_short( 0 ) //time it stays one color
		write_short( 0 ) //fade type
		write_byte( 0 ) //r
		write_byte( 0 ) //g
		write_byte( 0 ) //b
		write_byte( 127 ) //a
		message_end( )

public give_scout( id )
	if( !check_timeout( id, time_stamps[id][TS_WPN], WPN_TIMEOUT ) )
		give_item( id, "weapon_scout" )

public give_usp( id )
	if( !check_timeout( id, time_stamps[id][TS_WPN], WPN_TIMEOUT ) )
		give_item( id, "weapon_usp" )

public give_weapons( id )
	if( !check_timeout( id, time_stamps[id][TS_WPN], WPN_TIMEOUT ) )
		give_item( id, "weapon_awp" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_m249" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_m4a1" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_sg552" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_famas" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_p90" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_usp" )
		give_item( id, "weapon_scout" )

public help_msg(id)
	client_print( id, print_chat, "Say /climbhelp to get help with the Climb kz plugin." )

public climb_help(id)
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		show_motd( id, "http://ian.cammarata.us/projects/climb/help/2a3/en/commands?agent=hl", "Climb Plugin Help" )

public boost_help(id)
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		show_motd( id, "http://ian.cammarata.us/projects/climb/help/2a3/en/boosts?agent=hl", "Climb Plugin Help" )

public goto_player( id )
{//Admin command, teleport to client
	if( is_finished( id ) && get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		new tid, arg[24]
		read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof( arg ) - 1 )
		tid = cmd_target( tid, arg, 4 )
		if( tid )
			new Float:orig[3]
			entity_get_vector( tid, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
			teleport( id, orig )

public spectate( id )
{//Client switch to spectator
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) && !is_user_bot( id ) && !is_user_hltv( id ) )
		if( !is_climber_alive( id ) )
			cs_set_user_team(id,3)//fixes respawn bug?			
			frespawn( id )
			climb_user_spawn( id )
			if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_PAUSE )
			{//If they are paused tp to pause spot and freeze them again.
				new Float:coords[3]
				for( new i=0; i<3; i++ ) coords[i] = origins[ id - 1 ][ ORIG_PAUS + i ]
				teleport( id, coords )
				cl_pause( id )
		else if( get_user_flags( id ) & VIP ? 1 : ( cvar_enabled( id, p_allow_spectators ) ) )
			//Move client way outside the map so we don't have to see their retarded model
			new Float:orig[3]
			entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
			entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, Float:{ 99999.9, 99999.9, 99999.9 } )
			//Set a task to move them back to where they were originally
			new ida[4]
			ida[0] = id
			ida[1] = _:orig[0]
			ida[2] = _:orig[1]
			ida[3] = _:orig[2]
			set_task( 0.1, "tsk_spec_tp_back", _, ida, 4 )
			set_pev( id, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP )
			set_pev( id, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT )
			set_pev( id, pev_effects, EF_NODRAW )
			set_pev( id, pev_deadflag, DEAD_DEAD )
			set_pev( id, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO )
			set_entity_flags( id, FL_FROZEN, 0 )
			if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_START ) change_status( id, CF_PAUSE )

public tsk_spec_tp_back( ida[4] )
	new Float:orig[3]
	orig[0] = Float:ida[1]
	orig[1] = Float:ida[2]
	orig[2] = Float:ida[3]
	entity_set_vector( ida[0], EV_VEC_origin, orig )

public client_command( id )
{//Forward to catch all formats for commands
	new cmd[21]
	//If say command, trim "say", abort if more than one word
		if(contain(cmd," ")>-1)return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
	//Remove slashes
	if( equal(cmd,"/",1) || equal(cmd,"\",1) || equal(cmd,".",1) || equal(cmd,"!",1) )
	//Make a checkpoint
	if( equali(cmd,"checkpoint") || equali(cmd,"check") || equali(cmd,"cp") )
	//Go to checkpoint
	else if( equali(cmd,"gocheck") || equali(cmd,"gc") || equali(cmd,"tp") || equali(cmd,"tele") )
	else if( equali(cmd,"ungc") || equali(cmd,"ungocheck") )
	//Boost help page
	else if( equali(cmd,"boost") )
	//Solid Boost
	else if( equali(cmd,"solid") || equali(cmd,"semiclip") )
	//Jump Boost
	else if( equali(cmd,"superjump") || equali(cmd,"sjump") || equali(cmd,"sj") || equali(cmd,"longjump") ||\
		equali(cmd,"ljump") || equali(cmd,"lj") )
	//Double Jump Boost
	else if( equali(cmd,"doublejump") || equali(cmd,"djump") || equali(cmd,"dj") )
	//Cycle CPs reverse
	else if( equali(cmd,"cp-") || equali(cmd,"stuck") || equali(cmd,"unstuck") )
		cp_back( id )
	//Cycle CPs forward
	else if( equali(cmd,"cp+") )
		cp_forward( id )
	else if( equali(cmd,"pause") || equali(cmd,"unpause") )
	else if( equali(cmd,"stop") )
	else if( equali(cmd,"scoreboard") || equali(cmd,"score") || equali(cmd,"scores") )
	//High Scores
	else if( equali(cmd,"top10") || equali(cmd,"top15") || equali(cmd,"top") || equali(cmd,"highscores") ||\
		equali(cmd,"best") || equali(cmd,"rank") || equali(cmd,"pro15") || equali(cmd,"nub15") )
	else if( equali( cmd, "respawn" ) || equali( cmd, "spawn" ) )
		frespawn( id )
	//TP to start button
	else if( equali( cmd, "restart" ) || equali( cmd, "start" ) || equali( cmd, "reset" ) )
		tp_start_btn( id )
	else if( equali(cmd,"spectate") || equali(cmd,"spec") )
	//Get scout
	else if( equali( cmd, "scout" ) )
		give_scout( id )
	//Get usp
	else if( equali( cmd, "usp" ) )
		give_usp( id )
	else if( equali( cmd, "weapons" ) )
		give_weapons( id )
	else if( equali( cmd, "measure" ) )
		toggle_measure( id )
	else if( equali( cmd, "measure2" ) )
		toggle_measure2( id )
	else if( equali( cmd, "countdown" ) || equali( cmd, "countup" ) )
		toggle_countdown( id )
	else if( equali( cmd, "sunglasses" ) )
		sunglasses( id )
	//Climb Help
	else if( equali( cmd, "climbhelp" ) || equali( cmd, "kzhelp" ) )
		climb_help( id )
	//If none of above conditions met, don't block the command
	else return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

//	End: Climb command handling functions
//	Start: Measure functions

public toggle_measure( id )
	//Remove flag for other measure
	new cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	if( cflags & CF_MEASURE2 ) timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] = cflags & ~CF_MEASURE2
	//Toggle flag for this measure and print message
	timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] ^= CF_MEASURE
	if( cflags & CF_MEASURE )
		clmsg( id, "Measure disabled." )
		clmsg( id, "Measure enabled, use attack to measure." )

public do_measure( id )
	new Float:orig[3], Float:look[3], Float:end[3], Float:ret[3]
	new Float:ln_st[3], Float:ln_fn[3]
	entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
	entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_view_ofs, ret )
	for( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) orig[i] += ret[i]
	velocity_by_aim( id, 1, ret )
	for( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) end[i] = orig[i] + ( ret[i] * 9999 )
	trace_line( id, orig, end, ln_st )
	trace_normal( id, orig, end, look )
	for( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) end[i] = ln_st[i] + ( look[i] * 9999 )
	trace_line( id, ln_st, end, ln_fn )
	end[0] = ln_st[0] + ( ret[0] * -9999 )	
	end[1] = ln_st[1] + ( ret[1] * -9999 )
	end[2] = ln_st[2]
	trace_line( id, ln_st, end, orig )
	new msg[101]
	format( msg, 100, "Distance: red %d / blue %d",
		floatround( vector_distance( ln_st, ln_fn ), floatround_ceil ),
		floatround( vector_distance( ln_st, orig ), floatround_ceil ) )
	clmsg( id, msg )
	console_print( id, msg )
	message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, id )
	write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[2] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fn[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fn[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fn[2] ) )
	write_short( beam_sprite )	// sprite index
	write_byte( 0 )	// starting frame
	write_byte( 10 )	// frame rate in 0.1's
	write_byte( 100 )	// life in 0.1's
	write_byte( 10 )	// line width in 0.1's
	write_byte( 2 )	// noise amplitude in 0.01's
	write_byte( 255 )	// Red
	write_byte( 0 )	// Green
	write_byte( 0 )	// Blue
	write_byte( 127 )	// brightness
	write_byte( 50 )	// scroll speed in 0.1's
	message_end( )
	message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, id )
	write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[2] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( orig[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( orig[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( orig[2] ) )
	write_short( beam_sprite )	// sprite index
	write_byte( 0 )	// starting frame
	write_byte( 10 )	// frame rate in 0.1's
	write_byte( 100 )	// life in 0.1's
	write_byte( 10 )	// line width in 0.1's
	write_byte( 2 )	// noise amplitude in 0.01's
	write_byte( 0 )	// Red
	write_byte( 0 )	// Green
	write_byte( 255 )	// Blue
	write_byte( 127 )	// brightness
	write_byte( 50 )	// scroll speed in 0.1's
	message_end( )

public toggle_measure2( id )
	//Remove flag for other measure
	new cflags = timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS]
	if( cflags & CF_MEASURE ) timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] = cflags & ~CF_MEASURE
	//Toggle flag for this measure and print message
	timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] ^= CF_MEASURE2
	if( cflags & CF_MEASURE2 )
		clmsg( id, "Measure 2 disabled." )
		clmsg( id, "Measure 2 enabled, use attack to measure." )

public tsk_do_measure2( tskid )
	do_measure2( tskid - TSK_MEASURE2 )

stock do_measure2( id, set = 0 )
	new tskid = TSK_MEASURE2 + id
	static Float:ln_st_static[33][3]
	new Float:orig[3], Float:ret[3], Float:end[3]
	entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, orig )
	entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_view_ofs, ret )
	for( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) orig[i] += ret[i]
	velocity_by_aim( id, 1, ret )
	for( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) end[i] = orig[i] + ( ret[i] * 9999 )
	trace_line( id, orig, end, ret )
	new Float:ln_st[3] 
	ln_st = ln_st_static[id]
	//If first iteration, save point to static and return
	if( !( ln_st[0] || ln_st[0] || ln_st[0] ) )
		ln_st_static[id] = ret
		set_task( 0.1, "tsk_do_measure2", tskid, _, _, "b" )
	new Float:ln_fn[3], Float:ln_stmid[3], Float:ln_fnmid[3]
	ln_fn = ret
	ln_stmid[0] = ln_st[0]
	ln_stmid[1] = ln_st[1]
	ln_stmid[2] = ln_fn[2]
	ln_fnmid[0] = ln_fn[0]
	ln_fnmid[1] = ln_st[1]
	ln_fnmid[2] = ln_fn[2]
	new msg[101]
	format( msg, 100, "Distance: r %d / g %d / b %d",
		floatround( vector_distance( ln_st, ln_stmid ), floatround_ceil ),
		floatround( vector_distance( ln_stmid, ln_fnmid ), floatround_ceil ),
		floatround( vector_distance( ln_fnmid, ln_fn ), floatround_ceil ) )
	clmsg( id, msg )
	new life = 1, dest = MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE
	if( set )
		life = 125
		dest = MSG_ONE
		console_print( id, msg )
	message_begin( dest, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, id )
	write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_st[2] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_stmid[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_stmid[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_stmid[2] ) )
	write_short( beam_sprite )	// sprite index
	write_byte( 0 )	// starting frame
	write_byte( 10 )	// frame rate in 0.1's
	write_byte( life )	// life in 0.1's
	write_byte( 10 )	// line width in 0.1's
	write_byte( 2 )	// noise amplitude in 0.01's
	write_byte( 255 )	// Red
	write_byte( 0 )	// Green
	write_byte( 0 )	// Blue
	write_byte( 127 )	// brightness
	write_byte( 50 )	// scroll speed in 0.1's
	message_end( )
	message_begin( dest, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, id )
	write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_stmid[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_stmid[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_stmid[2] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fnmid[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fnmid[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fnmid[2] ) )
	write_short( beam_sprite )	// sprite index
	write_byte( 0 )	// starting frame
	write_byte( 10 )	// frame rate in 0.1's
	write_byte( life )	// life in 0.1's
	write_byte( 10 )	// line width in 0.1's
	write_byte( 2 )	// noise amplitude in 0.01's
	write_byte( 0 )	// Red
	write_byte( 255 )	// Green
	write_byte( 0 )	// Blue
	write_byte( 127 )	// brightness
	write_byte( 50 )	// scroll speed in 0.1's
	message_end( )
	message_begin( dest, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, id )
	write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fnmid[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fnmid[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fnmid[2] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fn[0] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fn[1] ) )
	write_coord( floatround( ln_fn[2] ) )
	write_short( beam_sprite )	// sprite index
	write_byte( 0 )	// starting frame
	write_byte( 10 )	// frame rate in 0.1's
	write_byte( life )	// life in 0.1's
	write_byte( 10 )	// line width in 0.1's
	write_byte( 2 )	// noise amplitude in 0.01's
	write_byte( 0 )	// Red
	write_byte( 0 )	// Green
	write_byte( 255 )	// Blue
	write_byte( 127 )	// brightness
	write_byte( 50 )	// scroll speed in 0.1's
	message_end( )
	//Remove task if flag has been removed
	if( task_exists( tskid ) && !( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_MEASURE2 ) ) remove_task( tskid )
	//If a second point hasn't been set then end here
	if( !set ) return
	//If it gets this far it's the second iteration, /*so disable flag and*/ reset static var
	//timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] ^= CF_MEASURE2
	ln_st_static[id] = Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
	if( task_exists( tskid ) ) remove_task( tskid )

//	End: Measure functions
//	Start: Blocked/Forwarded default CS commands
public client_kill( id )
{//Block kill, forward to spectate command
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		spectate( id )

public block_cmd(id){//Block some commands if climb enabled
	if(get_pcvar_num(p_climb))return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public block_cmd2(id){//Used to block fullupdate always

public block_jointeam(id){//Block client trying to switch teams
	if(get_pcvar_num(p_climb)&&isct(id))return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public donothing(){//register_clcmd reference this function, but are picked up by the more flexible code in the client_command forward.

public menuteam(id){//Connect choose team menu - force client to select CT

public menuclass(id){//Force client to choose random model

//	End: Blocked/Forwarded default CS commands
//	Start: Database functions
public db_init( )

	static host[32], user[32], pass[32], name[32], type[12]
	get_cvar_string( "climb_db_host", host, 31 )
	get_cvar_string( "climb_db_user", user, 31 )
	get_cvar_string( "climb_db_pass", pass, 31 )
	get_cvar_string( "climb_db_name", name, 31 )
	get_cvar_string( "climb_db_type", type, 11 )
	get_cvar_string( "climb_db_prefix", DB_PREFIX, 10 )
	get_cvar_string( "climb_db_serverid", DB_SERVER_ID, 15 )

	if( !get_cvar_num( "climb_db_exists" ) )
		new autoinc[15]="autoincrement"
		new query[600]
		formatex( query, 599,
				"create table if not exists %splayers (\
					user_id integer primary key %s,\
					steam_id char(25) unique,\
					password char(6),\
					user_name varchar(20) unique,\
					alias varchar(32) unique,\
					email varchar(50) unique,\
					cflags integer)",
			DB_PREFIX, autoinc )
		SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "db_generic_handler", query )
		formatex( query, 599,
				"create table if not exists %sscores (\
					score_id integer primary key %s,\
					score integer,\
					server_ip char(15),\
					user_id integer,\
					map_name varchar(32),\
					fin_time integer,\
					cps integer,\
					gcs integer,\
					boosts integer,\
					wpns integer,\
					server_time_stamp integer)",
			DB_PREFIX, autoinc )
		formatex( query, 599, "create index scores_score on %sscores (score)", DB_PREFIX )
		SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "db_generic_handler", query )
		formatex( query, 599,
				"create table if not exists %ssessions (\
					steam_id char(25) primary key,\
					user_id integer unique)",
		SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "db_generic_handler", query )
		set_cvar_num( "climb_db_exists", 1 )

public db_generic_handler(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime)
	return query_failed( failstate, error, errnum )

public auto_login(ida[1])
	new id=ida[0]
	new name[33],sid[33],data[2],query[151]
	get_user_name( id, name, 32 )
	get_user_authid( id, sid, 32 )
	//log_amx( "CLIMB: auto_login( %d ) / %s / %s", id, name, sid )

	data[0] = id
	data[1] = 2
	formatex( query, 150,
		"select user_id, steam_id, password from %splayers where steam_id=^"%s^"",
		DB_PREFIX, sid )
	//formatex( data[2], 24, sid)
	SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "login_handler", query, data, 2 )
	//log_amx( "CLIMB: Login Query for id=%d - ^"%s^";", id, query )

	//return client_cmd( id, "login" )
	//return db_login( id )
public db_login( id )
	//log_amx( "CLIMB: Function entry - login( %d )", id )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_climb ) )
		if( CLIMB_SAVE )
			//log_amx( "CLIMB: Begin login client id=%d.", id )
			//log_amx( "CLIMB: timer[id][TMR_DBUSER]=%d.", timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] )
			if( timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] > 0 )	//Already logged in
				client_print( id, print_console, "[Climb] Login Error: You are already logged in." )
			new query[151], data[2] //data[28]
			data[0] = id
			/*if( read_argc() > 1 )	//Client is logging in with a user/pass
				new user[21], pass[21]
				read_argv( 1, user, 20 )
				read_argv( 2, pass, 20 )
				rotwtf( pass, 6 )
				data[1] = 1
				formatex( query, 150,
					"select user_id, steam_id, from %splayers where user_id=^"%s^" and password=^"%s^";",
					DB_PREFIX, user, pass )
				//formatex( data[2], 24, user)
				SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "login_handler", query, data, 2 )
			else	//Client is logging in with SteamID
			new sid[32]
			get_user_authid( id, sid, 31 )
			data[1] = 2
			formatex( query, 150,
				"select user_id, steam_id, password from %splayers where steam_id=^"%s^"",
				DB_PREFIX, sid )
			//formatex( data[2], 24, sid)
			SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "login_handler", query, data, 2 )
			//log_amx( "CLIMB: Login Query for id=%d - ^"%s^";", id, query )
		else client_print( id, print_console, "[Climb] Login Error: Can't Login; Stats not enabled." )

public login_handler( failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime )
	new id = data[0]
	//log_amx( "CLIMB: Function entry - login_handler( %d )", id )
	//If they've disonnected since the login attempt initiated, abort
	if( !is_user_connected( id ) ) return log_amx( "CLIMB: Login Error id=%d - Client no longer exists.", id )
	if( SQL_NumResults( query ) < 1 )
		//log_amx( "CLIMB: Login Error id=%d - Not a valid account. 0 result returned", id )
		return client_print( id, print_console, "[Climb] Login Error: Not a valid account." )
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum) )
		//If database steamid doesn't match client steamid, abort
		new db_sid[32], sid[32]
		SQL_ReadResult( query, 1, db_sid, 31 )
		get_user_authid( id, sid, 31 )
		if( !equal( sid, db_sid ) ) return log_amx( "CLIMB: Login Error id=%d - SteamID mismatch.", id )
		//Fail if steamid login attempt, and steamid is registered as shared
		if( data[1] == 2 )
			new pass[7]
			SQL_ReadResult( query, 2, pass, 6 )
			if( equali( pass, "shared" ) )
				//log_amx( "CLIMB: Login Error id=%d - Shared SteamID.", id )
				return client_print( id, print_console,\
					"[Climb] Login Error: You are using a shared SteamID.  Please login with a username and password." )
		//Everything is ok, add db userid to timer info, display login messages
		timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] = SQL_ReadResult( query, 0 )
		new msg[100]
		formatex( msg, 99, "[Climb] Login: Success - Account: %s", sid )
		//log_amx( "CLIMB: Login Success id=%d", id )
		client_print(id,print_console,msg )
		format( msg, 99, "^x04%s", msg )
		saytext( id, id, msg )
		//If they just registered and logged in, save score, else load score
		if( timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] & CF_JUST_REGD )
			db_save( id )
			timer[id][TMR_CFLAGS] -= CF_JUST_REGD
		else db_load(id)

/*public logout(id)
	for(new i=0;i<8;i++)origins[id][i]=0.0
	for(new i=0;i<11;i++)timer[id][i]=0

public db_load( id )
	new query[351], mapname[33], data[1]
	data[0] = id
	get_mapname( mapname, 32 )
	/*formatex( query, 149,
		"select fin_time, cps, gcs, fin_cnt, boosts, wpns from %sscores where user_id=%d and map_name=^"%s^";",
		DB_PREFIX, timer[id][TMR_DBUSER], mapname )*/
	formatex( query, 350,
		"select s.fin_time, s.cps, s.gcs, g.fin_cnt, s.boosts, s.wpns from %sscores s, (select user_id, count(*) fin_cnt from %sscores where map_name = ^"%s^" group by user_id) g where map_name = ^"%s^" and s.user_id = %d and g.user_id = %d",
		DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, mapname, mapname, timer[id][TMR_DBUSER], timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] )
	SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "db_load_handler", query, data, 1 )

public db_load_handler(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime)
	new id=data[0]
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum) )
		new msg[100]
			msg="^x04No stats available for this account on the current map."
			new mapname[33],timestr[9]
			timer[id][TMR_BSTTME] = SQL_ReadResult( query, 0 )
			timer[id][TMR_BSTCPS] = SQL_ReadResult( query, 1 )
			timer[id][TMR_BSTGCS] = SQL_ReadResult( query, 2 )
			timer[id][TMR_MAPFIN] = SQL_ReadResult( query, 3 )
			timer[id][TMR_BSTBST] = SQL_ReadResult( query, 4 )			
			timer[id][TMR_BSTWPN] = SQL_ReadResult( query, 5 )
			timestr = parsetime(timer[id][TMR_BSTTME])
			formatex( msg, 99,
				"^x04Stats loaded for %s - %s^t(%d/ %d CP/%d GC/%d Boost)^tCompleted %d",
				mapname, timestr, timer[id][TMR_BSTWPN], timer[id][TMR_BSTCPS],
				timer[id][TMR_BSTGCS], timer[id][TMR_BSTBST], timer[id][TMR_MAPFIN] )
		saytext( id, id, msg )
	else client_print( id, print_chat, "[Climb] DB Read Error: Please notify a server admin." )

public db_save( id )
	if( timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] < 1 )
		auto_reg( id )
	new query[351], name[33], data[2]
	data[0] = id
	get_mapname( name, 32 )
	strtolower( name )
	new user_id = timer[id][TMR_DBUSER]
	new fin_time = get_climber_time( id )
	new wpn_rank = timer[id][TMR_CNTWPN]

	new score = ( ( ( timer[id][TMR_CNTBST] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 1000000 ) +
		( ( timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS] > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) * 100000 ) +
		( wpn_rank * 10000 ) +
		fin_time )
	/*if( timer[id][TMR_MAPFIN] == 1 )
		formatex( query, 350,
			"insert into %sscores (user_id, map_name, fin_time, cps, gcs, fin_cnt, boosts, wpns, score, server_time_stamp) values (%d, ^"%s^", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);",\
			DB_PREFIX, user_id, name, fin_time, timer[id][TMR_BSTCPS], timer[id][TMR_BSTGCS], timer[id][TMR_MAPFIN], timer[id][TMR_BSTBST], sctd, sort, get_systime() )
	formatex( query, 350,
		"insert into %sscores (server_ip, user_id, map_name, fin_time, cps, gcs, boosts, wpns, score, server_time_stamp) values (^"%s^", %d, ^"%s^", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)",\
		DB_PREFIX, DB_SERVER_ID, user_id, name, fin_time, timer[id][TMR_CNTCPS], timer[id][TMR_CNTGCS], timer[id][TMR_CNTBST], wpn_rank, score, get_systime() )
	data[1] = 0
	get_user_name( id, name, 32 )
	formatex( query, 350, "update %splayers set alias=^"%s^" where user_id=%d;", DB_PREFIX, name, timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] )
	SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "db_name_update_handler", query, data, 2 )

public db_save_handler( failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime )
	if( query_failed( failstate, error, errnum ) )
		new id=data[0]
		client_print(id,print_chat,"[Climb] DB Write Error: Could not update your score. Please notify a server admin.")

public db_name_update_handler( failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime )
	if( query_failed( failstate, error, errnum ) )
		new id = data[0]

		if( data[1] > 9 )
			client_print(id,print_chat,"[Climb] DB Write Error: Could not update your name. Please notify a server admin.")
			new query[250]
			new data2[2]
			data2[0] = id
			data2[1] = data[1] + 1
			new name[33]
			get_user_name( id, name, 29 )
			format( name, 32, "%s(%d)", name, data2[1] )
			formatex( query, 249,\
				"update %splayers set alias=^"%s^" where user_id=%d;",\
				DB_PREFIX, name, timer[id][TMR_DBUSER] )


public reg(id)
			new query[100],sid[26],name[33],data[43]
			//Register user/pass
					client_print(id,print_console,"[Climb] Registration Error: Invalid number of arguments")
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED
				new user[21],pass[50]
				//Read password and check length
					client_print(id,print_console,"[Climb] Registration Error: Password must be at least 10 characters.")
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED
				//Read user
				//Store user/pass in data array to pass to handler for autologin
				//Create password hash
				//Register shared SteamID
				formatex(query,99,"insert into %splayers (steam_id,password) values (^"%s^",'shared')",DB_PREFIX,sid)
				//Register user/pass 
				formatex(query,99,"insert into %splayers (user_name,password,alias) values (^"%s^",^"%s^",^"%s^")",DB_PREFIX,user,pass,name)
			//Else register SteamID
			/*else if(timer[id][TMR_DBUSER]<1){
				formatex(query,99,"insert into %splayers (steam_id,alias) values (^"%s^",^"%s^")",DB_PREFIX,sid,name)
		else client_print(id,print_console,"[Climb] Registration Error: Can't Register; Stats not enabled.")

public auto_reg(id)
	new query[100],sid[26],name[33],data[43]
	formatex(query,99,"insert into %splayers (steam_id,alias) values (^"%s^",^"%s^")",DB_PREFIX,sid,name)

public reg_handler(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime)
	new id=data[0]
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum) )
		new flag=data[1],user[21],pass[21]
		if(flag==0)client_print(id,print_console,"[Climb] Recorded shared SteamID.")
		else if(flag==1){
			client_print(id,print_console,"[Climb] Registration Successful.")
			new cmd[50]
			formatex(cmd,49,"login %s %s",user,pass)
		else if(flag==2){
	else client_print(id,print_chat,"[Climb] DB Registration Error: Please notify a server admin.")

public highscores(id)
{//Show High Scores
	if( !CLIMB_SAVE ) return clmsg( id, "Stats not enabled.")
	new hsurl[150], mapname[33]
	get_pcvar_string( p_stats_hsurl, hsurl, 149 )
	get_mapname( mapname, 32 )
	if( strlen( hsurl ) )
		format( hsurl, 149, hsurl, mapname )
		show_motd( id, hsurl, "High Scores" )
	if( get_systime() - ts_hscore > 10 )
		new query[501], data[1]
		data[0] = id
		/*formatex( query, 249,\
			"select p.alias, s.fin_time, s.cps, s.gcs, s.fin_cnt, s.boosts, s.wpns from %sscores s, %splayers p where s.map_name=^"%s^" and p.user_id=s.user_id order by s.score, s.fin_time limit 20;",\
			DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, mapname )*/
		formatex( query, 500,
			"select distinct p.alias, s.fin_time, s.cps, s.gcs, g.fin_cnt, s.boosts, s.wpns, s.score from %sscores s join %splayers p on s.user_id = p.user_id join (select user_id, min(score) minscore, count(*) fin_cnt from %sscores where map_name=^"%s^" group by user_id, wpns) g on p.user_id=g.user_id where map_name=^"%s^" and s.score=g.minscore order by s.score limit 20",
			DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, mapname, mapname )
		SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "hs_handler", query, data, 1 )
		ts_hscore = get_systime()
		if( has_hscores )
			show_motd( id, HSCORES_PATH, "High Scores" )
			new msg[101]
			format( msg, 100, "^x04[Climb] No stats available for the current map." )
			return saytext( id, id, msg )

public hs_handler(failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime)
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum) )
		new id=data[0],msg[101],num=SQL_NumResults(query)
			format(msg,100,"^x04[Climb] No stats available for the current map.")
			return saytext(id,id,msg)
		has_hscores = true
		new fh = fopen( HSCORES_PATH, "w" )
		fprintf( fh, "<link rel=stylesheet href=http://ian.cammarata.us/sb><table><tr><td id=a>" )
		fprintf( fh, "<pre>#	Name		Time	Wpn/CP/GC/Boost	Fin</pre>" )
		fprintf( fh, "</td></tr><tr id=b><td></td></tr><tr><td><pre>" )

		new name[NAMELEN+2], line[151], written_len, btime_str[20]
		for( new i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
			SQL_ReadResult( query, 0, name, NAMELEN )
			sb_add_tabs( name, NAMELEN+2 )
			format( btime_str, 19, "%d/%d/%d/%d",\
				SQL_ReadResult( query, 6 ),\
				SQL_ReadResult( query, 2 ),\
				SQL_ReadResult( query, 3 ),\
				SQL_ReadResult( query, 5 ) )
			sb_add_tabs( btime_str, 19 )
			formatex( line, 150,\
				"%s%d	%s%s	%s	%d%s",
				i % 2 ? "" : "<div>",
				i, htmlspecialchars( name ),
				parsetime( SQL_ReadResult( query, 1 ) ),
				SQL_ReadResult( query, 4 ),
				i % 2 ? "" : "</div>" )
			written_len += strlen( line )
			if( written_len > 1263 ) break
			fprintf( fh, line )
			SQL_NextRow( query )
		new cust_msg[33]		
		get_pcvar_string( p_stats_msg, cust_msg, 32 )
		if( !strlen( cust_msg ) ) formatex( cust_msg, 32, "Climb %s", VERSION )
		fprintf( fh, "</pre></td></tr><tr id=d><td></td></tr><tr><td id=e></td></tr><tr>" )
		fprintf( fh, "<td id=a>%s</td></tr></table>", cust_msg )
		fclose( fh )
		show_motd( id, HSCORES_PATH, "High Scores" )

public climb_dbwho(id,level,cid)
		console_print(id,"^n#  DB ID (<0=Not in DB), Name")
		new players[32],count,name[21],id2
		get_players( players, count, "ch" )
		for( new i=0; i<count; i++ )
			console_print(id,"#  %d, %s",timer[id2][TMR_DBUSER],name)
		console_print( id, "%d Players", count )

public climb_dbmap( id, level, cid )
	if( cmd_access( id, level, cid, 0 ) )
		new mapname[33]
		if( read_argc()>1 )read_argv( 1, mapname, 32 )
		if( !strlen(mapname) )get_mapname( mapname, 32 )
		new query[501], data[1]
		/*formatex( query, 500,
			"select          p.alias, s.score_id, s.fin_time, s.cps, s.gcs, s.boosts, s.wpns from %sscores s, %splayers p where s.map_name=^"%s^" and p.user_id=s.user_id order by s.score, s.fin_time limit 20;",
			DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, mapname)*/
		formatex( query, 500,
			"select distinct p.alias, s.score_id, s.fin_time, s.cps, s.gcs, s.boosts, s.wpns from %sscores s join %splayers p on s.user_id = p.user_id join (select user_id, min(score) minscore, count(*) fin_cnt from %sscores where map_name=^"%s^" group by user_id, wpns) g on p.user_id=g.user_id where map_name=^"%s^" and s.score=g.minscore order by s.score limit 20",
			DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, mapname, mapname )
		SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "climb_dbmap_handler", query, data, 1 )

public climb_dbmap_handler( failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime )
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum) )
		new id=data[0]
		new count=SQL_NumResults( query )
		if( count )
			new name[21]
			console_print( id, "^n#  Alias, Score ID, Time, cps/gcs/boosts, Scout" )
			for( new i=0; i<count; i++ )
				SQL_ReadResult( query, 0, name, 20 )
				console_print( id, "#  %s, %d, %d, %d/%d/%d, %s",\
					SQL_ReadResult( query, 1 ),\
					SQL_ReadResult( query, 2 ),\
					SQL_ReadResult( query, 3 ),\
					SQL_ReadResult( query, 4 ),\
					SQL_ReadResult( query, 5 ),\
					SQL_ReadResult( query, 6 )?"y":"n")
				SQL_NextRow( query )
			console_print( id, "%d Result(s)", count )
		else console_print( id, "Query returned no results." )

public climb_dbuser( id, level, cid )
	if( cmd_access( id, level, cid, 1 ) )
		new db_user_id[10]
		read_argv( 1, db_user_id, 9 )
		new query[250], data[1]
		formatex( query, 249,\
			"select map_name, score_id, fin_time, cps, gcs, boosts, wpns from %sscores where user_id=%d;",\
			DB_PREFIX, str_to_num( db_user_id ) )
		SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "climb_dbuser_handler", query, data, 1 )

public climb_dbuser_handler( failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime )
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum ) )
		new id=data[0]
		new count=SQL_NumResults( query )
		if( count )
			new name[21]
			console_print(id,"^n#  Map, Score ID, Time, cps/gcs/boosts, Scout")
			for( new i=0; i<count; i++ )
				SQL_ReadResult( query, 0, name, 20 )
				console_print( id, "#  %s, %d, %d, %d/%d/%d, %s",\
					SQL_ReadResult(query,6) ? "y" : "n" )
				SQL_NextRow( query )
			console_print( id, "%d Result(s)", count )
		else console_print( id, "Query returned no results.")

public climb_dbdelete( id, level, cid )
		new db_user_id[10]
		read_argv( 1, db_user_id, 9 )
		new query[250], data[2], del_id
		data[1]=del_id=str_to_num( db_user_id )
		{//First time show data to be deleted and ask if they're sure.
			formatex( query, 249,\
				"select p.alias, s.map_name, s.fin_time, s.cps, s.gcs, s.boosts, s.wpns from %sscores s, %splayers p where p.user_id=s.user_id and s.score_id=%d;",\
				DB_PREFIX, DB_PREFIX, del_id )
			SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "climb_dbdelete_verify", query, data, 2 )
		{//Second time execute the delete
			formatex( query, 249,\
				"delete from %sscores where score_id=%d;",\
				DB_PREFIX, del_id )
			SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "climb_dbdelete_handler", query, data, 2 )

//For nightly builds
public climb_dbrecalc( id, level, cid )
	if( cmd_access( id, level, cid, 0 ) )
		SQL_ThreadQuery( DB_TUPLE, "db_generic_handler",
			"update %sscores set score = ( ( (boosts>0) * 1000000 ) + ( (cps>0) * 100000 ) + ( wpns * 10000 ) + fin_time )",

public climb_dbdelete_verify( failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime )
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum ) )
		new id=data[0]
		new del_id=data[1]
		new count=SQL_NumResults( query )
		if( count )
			new name[21],map[33]
			console_print( id, "^n#  Name, Map, Time, cps/gcs/boosts, Scout" )

			SQL_ReadResult( query, 0, name, 20 )
			SQL_ReadResult( query, 1, map, 32 )
			console_print( id, "#  %s, %s, %d, %d/%d/%d, %s",\
				SQL_ReadResult(query,6) ? "y" : "n" )

			console_print( id, "%d Result(s)", count )//debug
			console_print( id, "If you're sure you want to delete this record, execute the command again." )
		else console_print( id, "No record exists with given DB Score ID." )

public climb_dbdelete_handler( failstate, Handle:query, error[], errnum, data[], size, Float:queuetime )
	new id=data[0]
	if( !query_failed( failstate, error, errnum ) )
		console_print( id, "Record has been deleted." )
	else console_print( id, "Record could not be deleted." )

public query_failed( failstate, error[], errnum )
	if( failstate == TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED )
		log_amx( "Climb: Couldn't connect to database: %s", error )
		return 1
	else if( failstate == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED )
		log_amx( "Climb: Query failed: %s", error )
		return 1
	if( errnum )
		log_amx( "Climb: Query Error: %s", error )
		return 1
	return 0
//	End: Database functions
public rotwtf( string[], out_len )
{//Simple Password Encryption
	new len=strlen( string ),str[99],cnt=0,tok=len-1
	copy( str, out_len, string )
	for( new index=0; index<11; index++ )
		if('a' <= string[index] <= 'z')
			str[index]=( str[index]-'a'+string[tok]+index )
		else if('A' <= str[index] <= 'Z')
			str[index]=( str[index]-'A'+string[tok]+index )
		else if( '0' <= str[index] <= '9' )
			str[index]=( str[index]-'0'+string[tok]+index )
		switch( cnt ){
			case 0:str[index]=str[index]%26+'a'
			case 1:str[index]=str[index]%26+'A'
			case 2:str[index]=str[index]%10+'0'
		if( tok<0 )tok=len-1
		if( cnt==3 )cnt=0
	copy( string, out_len, str )

public plugin_end()
	if( CLIMB_SAVE )SQL_FreeHandle( DB_TUPLE )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_auto ) )
		set_pcvar_num( p_climb, 0 )
		set_pcvar_num( p_teambalance, TEAM_BALANCE_OLD )
		set_pcvar_num( p_limitteams, LIMIT_TEAMS_OLD )

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