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Revision 46 - (download) (annotate)
Sat Feb 19 21:36:22 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by ian
File size: 12319 byte(s)
Applied grab_plus patch, provided by ConnorMcLeod;
Added SpecInfo Czech translation, provided by FuGi;
SpecInfo v1.3.1
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Ian (Juan) Cammarata

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Jan 05 17:39

This plugin displays a list of spectators currently viewing the live player.
This list is visible to the living player as well as other players currently
spectating that player.  Also spectators can see which movement commands the
the live player is using.		 

say /speclist	:	Toggle viewing list of spectators.
say /speckeys	:	Toggle viewing keys of player you are spectating.
say /spechide : Immune admins toggle whether or not they're hidden from list.
say /showkeys : View your own keys on screen while alive.

Cvars (First value is default):
si_enabled <1|0> : Enables all plugin functionality.

si_list_enabled <1|0> : Enables spectator list.
si_keys_enabled <1|0> : Enables spectator key view.
si_list_default <1|0> : Default on/off state for spec list when a client joins.
si_keys_default <1|0> : Default on/off state for key view when a client joins.

si_immunity <0|1> : Enables admin immunity; Admins won't show on spec list.

si_msg_r <45|...> : HUD message red value.
si_msg_g <89|...> : HUD message green value.
si_msg_b <116|...> : HUD message blue value.

Make sure you place the specinfo.txt file in addons\amxmodx\data\lang

Supported Languages:
English (100%)
Spanish (100%) - Thanks to Mely for checking these.
German (63%) - Thanks to [S]killer for this translation.
Czech (100%) - Thanks to FuGi for this translation.

Change Log:
Key (+ added | - removed | c changed | f fixed)

v1.3.1 (Jan 5, 2008)
f: Eliminated a bug introduced in 1.3 as well as the occasional index out of bounds error it caused.

v1.3 (Nov 21, 2007)
+: Command "/showkeys" to view your own keys.
c: Minor code optimizations.

v1.2 (Jul 14, 2007)
+: Command "say /spechide" for immune to toggle hidden state.
c: Lots of code optimizations.
f: Always showing keys even when disabled.
f: Hud messaged getting messed up when too many names are on the list. (No seriously, for real this time.)

v1.1 (Jul 06, 2007)
+: Show number of people spectating.
c: Names truncated shorter than 20 chars when lots of players on the list.
c: Spectator list moved further right. (Even further when you're alive.)
f: Hud messaged getting messed up when too many names are on the list. (Same as last time, but it's fixed for good.)

v1.0.1 (June 07, 2007)
f: Hud messaged getting messed up when too many names are on the list.

v1.0 (June 02, 2007)
!Initial Release
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>

new const VERSION[ ] = "1.3.1"
new const TRKCVAR[ ] = "specinfo_version"

#define KEYS_STR_LEN 31
#define LIST_STR_LEN 610

//cl_prefs constants
#define FL_LIST    ( 1 << 0 )
#define FL_KEYS    ( 1 << 1 )
#define FL_OWNKEYS ( 1 << 2 )
#define FL_HIDE    ( 1 << 3 )

//cvar pointers
new p_enabled, p_list_enabled, p_keys_enabled, p_list_default, p_keys_default;
new p_red, p_grn, p_blu, p_immunity;

//data arrays
new cl_keys[33], cl_prefs[33];
new keys_string[33][KEYS_STR_LEN + 1], list_string[33][LIST_STR_LEN + 1]
new cl_names[33][21], spec_ids[33][33];

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( "SpecInfo", VERSION, "Ian Cammarata" );
	set_cvar_string( TRKCVAR, VERSION );
	p_enabled = register_cvar( "si_enabled", "1" );
	p_list_enabled = register_cvar( "si_list_enabled", "1" );
	p_keys_enabled = register_cvar( "si_keys_enabled", "1" );
	p_list_default = register_cvar( "si_list_default", "1" );
	p_keys_default = register_cvar( "si_keys_default", "1" );
	p_immunity = register_cvar( "si_immunity", "1" );
	p_red = register_cvar( "si_msg_r", "45" );
	p_grn = register_cvar( "si_msg_g", "89" );
	p_blu = register_cvar( "si_msg_b", "116" );
	register_clcmd( "say /speclist", "toggle_list", _, "Toggle spectator list." );
	register_clcmd( "say /speckeys", "toggle_keys", _, "Toggle spectator keys." );
	register_clcmd( "say /showkeys", "toggle_ownkeys", _, "Toggle viewing own keys." );
	register_clcmd( "say /spechide", "toggle_hide", IMMUNE_FLAG, "Admins toggle being hidden from list." );
	set_task( 1.0, "list_update", _, _, _, "b" );
	set_task( 0.1, "keys_update", _, _, _, "b" );
	register_dictionary( "specinfo.txt" );

public client_connect( id )
	cl_prefs[id] = 0;
	if( !is_user_bot( id ) )
		if( get_pcvar_num( p_list_default ) ) cl_prefs[id] |= FL_LIST;
		if( get_pcvar_num( p_keys_default ) ) cl_prefs[id] |= FL_KEYS;
	get_user_name( id, cl_names[id], 20 );

public client_infochanged( id )
	get_user_name( id, cl_names[id], 20 );

public list_update( )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_enabled ) && get_pcvar_num ( p_list_enabled ) )
		new players[32], num, id, id2, i, j;
		for( i = 1; i < 33; i++ ) spec_ids[i][0] = 0;
		get_players( players, num, "bch" );
		for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
			id = players[i];
			if( !( get_user_flags( id ) & IMMUNE_FLAG && get_pcvar_num( p_immunity ) && cl_prefs[id] & FL_HIDE ) )
				id2 = pev( id, pev_iuser2 );
				if( id2 )
					spec_ids[ id2 ][ 0 ]++;
					spec_ids[ id2 ][ spec_ids[ id2 ][ 0 ] ] = id;
		new tmplist[ LIST_STR_LEN + 1 ], tmpstr[41];
		new count, namelen, tmpname[21];
		for( i=1; i<33; i++ )
			count = spec_ids[i][0];
			if( count )
				namelen = ( LIST_STR_LEN - 10 ) / count;
				clamp( namelen, 10, 20 );
				format( tmpname, namelen, cl_names[i] );
				formatex( tmplist, LIST_STR_LEN - 1, "^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t(%d) %s %s:^n", count, "%L", tmpname);
				for( j=1; j<=count; j++ )
					format( tmpname, namelen, cl_names[spec_ids[i][j]]);
					formatex( tmpstr, 40, "^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t%s", tmpname );
					if( strlen( tmplist ) + strlen( tmpstr ) + ( 11 - j ) < ( LIST_STR_LEN - 1 ) )
						format( tmplist, LIST_STR_LEN - 10, "%s%s^n", tmplist, tmpstr );
						format( tmplist, LIST_STR_LEN, "%s...^n", tmplist );
				if( count < 10 )
          format( tmplist, LIST_STR_LEN,
						"%s^n^n^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^t^tSpecInfo v%s^n",
						tmplist, VERSION
				for( j+=0; j<10; j++ )
          format( tmplist, LIST_STR_LEN, "%s%s", tmplist, "^n" );
				list_string[i] = tmplist;
		get_players( players, num, "ch" );
		for( i=0; i<num; i++ ) clmsg( players[i] );

public keys_update( )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( p_enabled ) && !get_pcvar_num( p_keys_enabled ) ) return;

	new players[32], num, id, i;
	get_players( players, num, "a" );
	for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		id = players[i];
		formatex( keys_string[id], KEYS_STR_LEN, " ^n^t^t%s^t^t^t%s^n^t%s %s %s^t^t%s",
			cl_keys[id] & IN_FORWARD ? "W" : " .",
			cl_keys[id] & IN_MOVELEFT ? "A" : ".",
			cl_keys[id] & IN_BACK ? "S" : ".",
			cl_keys[id] & IN_MOVERIGHT ? "D" : ".",
		//Flags stored in string to fill translation char in clmsg function
		keys_string[id][0] = 0; 
		if( cl_keys[id] & IN_JUMP ) keys_string[id][0] |= IN_JUMP;
		if( cl_keys[id] & IN_DUCK ) keys_string[id][0] |= IN_DUCK;
		cl_keys[id] = 0;
	new id2;
	get_players( players, num, "ch" );
	for( i=0; i<num; i++ )
		id = players[i];
		if( is_user_alive( id ) )
			if( cl_prefs[id] & FL_OWNKEYS ) clmsg( id );
			id2 = pev( id, pev_iuser2 );
			if( cl_prefs[id] & FL_KEYS && id2 && id2 != id ) clmsg( id );


public server_frame( )
	if( get_pcvar_num( p_enabled ) && get_pcvar_num( p_keys_enabled ) )
		new players[32], num, id;
		get_players( players, num, "a" );
		for( new i = 0; i < num; i++ )
			id = players[i];
			if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_FORWARD )
				cl_keys[id] |= IN_FORWARD;
			if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_BACK )
				cl_keys[id] |= IN_BACK;
			if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_MOVELEFT )
				cl_keys[id] |= IN_MOVELEFT;
			if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_MOVERIGHT )
				cl_keys[id] |= IN_MOVERIGHT;
			if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_DUCK )
				cl_keys[id] |= IN_DUCK;
			if( get_user_button( id ) & IN_JUMP )
				cl_keys[id] |= IN_JUMP;

public clmsg( id )
	if( !id ) return;
	new prefs = cl_prefs[id];
	new bool:show_own = false;
	if( is_user_alive( id ) && prefs & FL_OWNKEYS ) show_own = true;
	if( is_user_alive( id ) && !show_own )
		if( prefs & FL_LIST && spec_ids[id][0] && get_pcvar_num( p_list_enabled ) )
        get_pcvar_num( p_red ),
        get_pcvar_num( p_grn ),
        get_pcvar_num( p_blu ),
        0.7, /*x*/
        0.1, /*y*/
        0, /*fx*/
        0.0, /*fx time*/
        1.1, /*hold time*/
        0.1, /*fade in*/
        0.1, /*fade out*/
        3 /*chan*/
			show_hudmessage( id, list_string[id], id, "SPECTATING" );
		new id2;
		if( show_own ) id2 = id;
		else id2 = pev( id, pev_iuser2 );
		if( !id2 ) return;
		if( prefs & FL_LIST || prefs & FL_KEYS || show_own )
        get_pcvar_num( p_red ),
        get_pcvar_num( p_grn ),
        get_pcvar_num( p_blu ),
        0.48, /*x*/
        0.14, /*y*/
        0, /*fx*/
        0.0, /*fx time*/
        prefs & FL_KEYS || show_own ? 0.1 : 1.1, /*hold time*/
        0.1, /*fade in*/
        0.1, /*fade out*/
        3 /*chan*/
			new msg[BOTH_STR_LEN + 1];
			if( prefs & FL_LIST && get_pcvar_num( p_list_enabled ) && spec_ids[id2][0] )
			else msg ="^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n";
			if( get_pcvar_num( p_keys_enabled ) && ( prefs & FL_KEYS || show_own ) )
        format( msg, BOTH_STR_LEN, "%s%s", msg, keys_string[id2][1] );
        format( msg, BOTH_STR_LEN, msg,
					id, keys_string[id2][0] & IN_JUMP ? "JUMP" : "LAME",
					id, keys_string[id2][0] & IN_DUCK ? "DUCK" : "LAME"
			show_hudmessage( id, msg );

public set_hudmsg_flg_notify( )
		get_pcvar_num( p_red ),
		get_pcvar_num( p_grn ),
		get_pcvar_num( p_blu ),
		-1.0, /*x*/
		0.8, /*y*/
		0, /*fx*/
		0.0, /*fx time*/
		3.0, /*hold time*/
		0.0, /*fade in*/
		0.0, /*fade out*/
		-1 /*chan*/

public toggle_list( id )
	set_hudmsg_flg_notify( );
	cl_prefs[id] ^= FL_LIST;
	show_hudmessage( id, "%L", id, cl_prefs[id] & FL_LIST ? "SPEC_LIST_ENABLED" : "SPEC_LIST_DISABLED" );

public toggle_keys( id )
	set_hudmsg_flg_notify( );
	cl_prefs[id] ^= FL_KEYS;
	show_hudmessage( id, "%L", id, cl_prefs[id] & FL_KEYS ? "SPEC_KEYS_ENABLED" : "SPEC_KEYS_DISABLED" );

public toggle_ownkeys( id )
	set_hudmsg_flg_notify( );
	cl_prefs[id] ^= FL_OWNKEYS;
	show_hudmessage( id, "%L", id, cl_prefs[id] & FL_OWNKEYS ? "SPEC_OWNKEYS_ENABLED" : "SPEC_OWNKEYS_DISABLED" );

public toggle_hide( id, level, cid )
	if( cmd_access( id, level, cid, 0 ) )
		set_hudmsg_flg_notify( );
		cl_prefs[id] ^= FL_HIDE;
		show_hudmessage( id, "%L", id, cl_prefs[id] & FL_HIDE ? "SPEC_HIDE_ENABLED" : "SPEC_HIDE_DISABLED" );

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