<# .NOTES Written by Ian Cammarata http://ian.cammarata.us Get-HpProductInfo.ps1 v0.2 This will probably only work for products sold in the U.S. unless you change the country codes in $hpWarrantyQueryURL and the $htClient.Headers.set(...Cookie... To Do: -Make it a proper PowerShell script (receive piped input, input validation, multiple SNs at once) -Cache objects to an XML file for faster loading if the same SN is queried again. -Multi-threading the http downloads and multiple retry attemps (partsufer is so unreliable lately) -Option to filter parts output SNs for testing: CND120CJH0, CNU305BP9N, CNFKF52058, JPBCD3R1H3 .SYNOPSIS Query by SN to retreive HP product info from PartSufer and HP Business warranty lookup. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-HpProductInfo JPBCD3R1H3 #> param( #The serial number to query. [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 0 )] [Alias( "SN" )] [String] $SerialNumber, #Output an object instead of an plain text. [Switch] [Alias( "Object" )] $OutputObject, #Purge cash for supplied SN(s) and fetch fresh data [Switch] [Alias( "Purge" )] $Refresh ) ### Being Setup Set-StrictMode -Version Latest ###### Set Constants #<# ### uncomment this line for testing in ISE after initial run Set-Variable productObjectVersion -option Constant -value 0.2 Set-Variable partSurferQueryUrl -option Constant -value "http://partsurfer.hp.com/Search.aspx?searchText=" Set-Variable hpWarrantyQueryUrl -option Constant -value "http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/WarrantyResults.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&country=US&find=Display+Warranty+Information+%C2%BB" Set-Variable cacheDir -option Constant -value (Join-Path $env:APPDATA "HpProductInfo_Cache") Set-Variable maxCacheAge -option Constant -value 90 #In Days #> ###### Prep if ( !( Test-Path $cacheDir ) ){ $null = New-Item -Type "Directory" -Path $cacheDir } ###### Default display property set $objectTemplateFile = Join-Path $cacheDir "HpProductObjectTemplate_v$($productObjectVersion).ps1xml" if ( !( Test-Path $objectTemplateFile ) ) { $template = "" $template += "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" $template += "PSStandardMembersDefaultDisplayPropertySet" $template += "ProductNumber" $template += "SerialNumber" $template += "Description" $template += "WarrantyOnsite" $template += "Parts" $template += "" Out-File $objectTemplateFile -Encoding "UTF8" -InputObject $template -Force } if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 2 ) { Update-TypeData $objectTemplateFile } elseif ( ! ( $host.Runspace.RunspaceConfiguration.Types | ? { $_.FileName -eq $objectTemplateFile } ) ) { Update-TypeData $objectTemplateFile } ### End Setup ### Begin Check Cache $useCache = $false if ( $cacheHit = ls $cacheDir | ? { $_.Name -like "$($SerialNumber)_*" } ) { Write-Debug "Cache Hit!!! ($cacheHit)" $useCache = $true if ( $Refresh ) { $useCache = $false } elseif ( $cacheHit -notlike "*_v$($productObjectVersion).xml" ) { Write-Debug "Version Mismatch; Deleting... :-(" $useCache = $false } elseif ( ( Get-Date ) -gt $cacheHit.CreationTime.AddDays(90) ) { Write-Debug "Stale Cache; Deleting... :-(" $useCache = $false } if ( ! $useCache ) { Remove-Item ( Join-Path $cacheDir $cacheHit ) } } Write-Debug "Using Cache: $($useCache)" ### End Check Cache function downloadProductData () { ### Create WebClient and cookie needed for PartSurfer $htClient = New-Object System.Net.Webclient $htClient.Headers.Set([System.Net.HttpRequestHeader]::Cookie, "Country=United%20States") ### Download and clean PartSurfer HTML so it can be parsed into XML $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" #Needed so script won't continue if the web server returns an error $htData = $htClient.DownloadString("$($partSurferQueryUrl)$($SerialNumber)") $htData = -join $htData[$htData.IndexOf("")+6)] $htData = $htData -replace '(?sx:)' -replace '(?sx:)' $htData = $htData -replace ' & ', " and " -replace "&\w{2,6};" $partSurferXml = [xml]$htData ### Parse collections of data $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" #Needed so filtering by ID won't generate an error on nodes with no ID property $partsHash = @{} $partSurferXml.SelectNodes("//span") | ? { $_.id -like "*gridSpareBOM_ctl*" -and $_.'#text' -notlike "*N/A*" } | % { $partsHash[$_.id] = $_.'#text' } $orderCheckboxArray = @() $partSurferXml.SelectNodes("//input") | ? { $_.id -like "*chkSpareBOM" } | % { $orderCheckboxArray += $_.id } $skuDataHash = @{} $partSurferXml.SelectNodes("//span") | ? { $_.id -like "*lbl*" -and $_.id -notlike "*BOM*" -and $_.id -notlike "*text*" } | % { $skuDataHash[$_.id] = $_.'#text' } $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" ### Create psObject and start adding to it $hpProduct = New-Object psObject ### Load generic sku data into the object foreach ( $skuDatum in $skuDataHash.GetEnumerator() ){ $propName = "" switch -wildcard ($skuDatum.Name) { "*SerialNumber" { $propName ="SerialNumber" } "*ProductNumber" { $propName ="ProductNumber" } "*Description" { $propName ="Description" } } if ( $propName ) { $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty $propName $skuDatum.Value } } $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty Parts (New-Object psObject) ### Download and parse warranty info -- Page is too messy to clean for XML casting, will just scrape with regex $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" #Needed so script won't continue if the web server returns an error $htData = $htClient.DownloadString("$($hpWarrantyQueryUrl)&sn=$($hpProduct.SerialNumber)&pn=$($hpProduct.ProductNumber)") $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" $warranty = @() $htData = $htData -replace "
" while ($htData -match "]*>\s*([\w\s:]*)\s*\s*]*>\s*(\d{1,2} \w{3} \d{4})\s*\s*]*>\s*(\d{1,2} \w{3} \d{4})\s*" ) { $warranty += $Matches[1..3] $htData = $htData.Replace($Matches[0],1) } $warranty = $warranty -replace "wty: |HWM |HP |HW |Maintenance |Support |for| " ### Add warranty data to psObject $i = 0 while ( $i -lt $warranty.Length ){ #"$($warranty[$i])`t`tStart: $($warranty[$i+1])`t`tEnd: $($warranty[$i+2])" $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty "Warranty$($warranty[$i])" @{ Start = ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warranty[$i+1] ) ); End = ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warranty[$i+2] ) ) } $i += 3 } ### Add orderable parts to psObject foreach ( $cb in $orderCheckboxArray ) { $null = $cb -match ".*(_ctl\d{2,3}_).*" $curPartData = $partsHash.GetEnumerator() | ? { $_.Name -like "*$($Matches[1])*" } $partObject = New-Object psObject foreach ( $part in $curPartData.GetEnumerator() ) { $propName = "" switch -wildcard ($part.Name) { "*spart1" { $propName ="PartNumber" } "*desc1" { $propName ="Description" } "*Enhanced" { $propName ="EnhancedDescription" } "*Category1" { $propName ="Category" } "*CSR1" { $propName ="CSR" } "*Rohs1" { $propName ="ROHS" } "*tech1" { $propName ="Tech" } } if ( $propName ) { $partObject | Add-Member NoteProperty $propName $part.Value } } $hpProduct.Parts | Add-Member NoteProperty $partObject.PartNumber $partObject } $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty __QueryDate (Get-Date) $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty __productObjectVersion $productObjectVersion $hpProduct | Export-Clixml (Join-Path $cacheDir "$($hpProduct.SerialNumber)_$($hpProduct.ProductNumber)_v$($productObjectVersion).xml") return $hpProduct } #Import line is potentially error prone, make it more specific later on if ( $useCache ) { $hpProduct = Import-Clixml ( Join-Path $cacheDir "$($SerialNumber)_*" ) } else { $hpProduct = downloadProductData } if ( $OutputObject ) { $hpProduct } Else { $lineLen = 75 "-" * $lineLen "Serial Number:`t$($hpProduct.SerialNumber)" "Product Number:`t$($hpProduct.ProductNumber)" "Description:`t$($hpProduct.Description)" "-" * $lineLen "Warranty:" foreach ( $warrantyItem in $hpProduct | Get-Member | ? { $_.Name -like "Warranty*" } | % { $_.Name } ) { "$($warrantyItem):" " Start: $($hpProduct.$warrantyItem.Start) End: $($hpProduct.$warrantyItem.End)" } "-" * $lineLen $parts = $hpProduct.Parts | get-member -MemberType "NoteProperty" "Available Parts: $($parts.Length)" "-" * $lineLen foreach ( $part in $parts | % { $_.Name } ) { "$($hpProduct.Parts.$part.PartNumber) - $($hpProduct.Parts.$part.Description)" } "-"*$lineLen }