[PowerShell] / Get-HpProductInfo.ps1 Repository:
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View of /Get-HpProductInfo.ps1

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Revision 24 - (download) (annotate)
Mon Feb 10 01:02:25 2014 UTC (10 years, 2 months ago) by ian
File size: 35372 byte(s)
Get-HpProductInfo.ps1 is fully working again including warranty data, but needs tweaked for more reliable retrieval of warranty data.


 Written by Ian Cammarata  http://ian.cammarata.us

 Get-HpProductInfo.ps1 v0.6


This will probably only work for products sold in the U.S. unless you change the country codes in $hpWarrantyQueryURL and the $htClient.Headers.set(...Cookie...

To Do:

 -Multi-threading the http downloads and multiple retry attemps (partsufer is so unreliable lately)

SNs for testing: CND120CJH0, CNU305BP9N, CNFKF52058, JPBCD3R1H3


Query by SN to retreive HP product info from PartSufer and HP Business warranty lookup.


PS> Get-HpProductInfo JPBCD3R1H3



    #The serial number to query.

    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline= $True )]

    [Alias( "SN" )]



    #Search string for parts listing.

    [Parameter( Position = 1 )]

    [Alias( "Part" )]



    #Output an object instead of an plain text.


    [Alias( "Object" )]


    #Purge cash for supplied SN(s) and fetch fresh data


    [Alias( "Purge" )]




    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

    if ( $Script:PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Debug") ) { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } ### For some reason I was getting first 3 debug lines output in the Process block even with using -Debug, but none afterwards

    ###### Set Constants

    #<#  ### uncomment this line for testing in ISE after initial run

    Set-Variable productObjectVersion -option Constant -value 0.4

    Set-Variable partSurferQueryUrl -option Constant -value "http://partsurfer.hp.com/Search.aspx?searchText="

    Set-Variable hpWarrantyBaseUrl -option Constant -value "https://h20565.www2.hp.com"

    Set-Variable hpWarrantyStartPath -option Constant -value "/portal/site/hpsc/public/wc/home/"

    Set-Variable hpWarrantyQueryUrl -option Constant -value "https://h20566.www2.hp.com/portal/site/hpsc/template.PAGE/action.process/public/wc/home/?javax.portlet.action=true&javax.portlet.sync=d549c6d9a9acda7f8405adb432a15c01&javax.portlet.tpst=c4efedb99acca32ea782977bb053ce01&javax.portlet.prp_c4efedb99acca32ea782977bb053ce01=wsrp-interactionState%3Daction%253Dfind&javax.portlet.begCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken"

    Set-Variable cacheDir -option Constant -value (Join-Path $env:APPDATA "HpProductInfo_Cache")

    Set-Variable maxCacheAge -option Constant -value 90 #In Days


    ###### Prep

    if ( !( Test-Path $cacheDir ) ){ $null = New-Item -Type "Directory" -Path $cacheDir }

    ###### Default display property set

    $objectTemplateFile = Join-Path $cacheDir "HpProductObjectTemplate_v$($productObjectVersion).ps1xml"

    if ( !( Test-Path $objectTemplateFile ) ) {

        $template = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>"

        $template += "<Types><Type><Name>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</Name><Members><MemberSet>"

        $template += "<Name>PSStandardMembers</Name><Members><PropertySet><Name>DefaultDisplayPropertySet</Name><ReferencedProperties>"

        $template += "<Name>ProductNumber</Name>"

        $template += "<Name>SerialNumber</Name>"

        $template += "<Name>Description</Name>"

        $template += "<Name>WarrantyOnsite</Name>"

        $template += "<Name>Parts</Name>"

        $template += "</ReferencedProperties></PropertySet></Members></MemberSet></Members></Type></Types>"

        Out-File $objectTemplateFile -Encoding "UTF8" -InputObject $template -Force


    if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 2 ) {

        Update-TypeData $objectTemplateFile


    elseif ( ! ( $host.Runspace.RunspaceConfiguration.Types | ? { $_.FileName -eq $objectTemplateFile } ) ) {

        Update-TypeData $objectTemplateFile




    Function CleanHtml($htData) {

        Return $htData -replace "(\r|\f|\n)*", "" -replace "\t", " " -replace "  ", "" -replace "> <", "><" -replace "&nbsp;", ""


    Foreach ($SerialNumber in $SerialNumber) {

        $SerialNumber = $SerialNumber.Trim().ToUpper()

        Write-Debug ">> Check cache for XML copy of data"

        $useCache = $false

        if ( $cacheHit = ls $cacheDir | ? { $_.Name -like "$($SerialNumber)_*" } ) {

            Write-Debug "Cache Hit!!! ($cacheHit)"

            $useCache = $true

            if ( $Refresh ) {

                $useCache = $false


            elseif ( $cacheHit -notlike "*_v$($productObjectVersion).xml" ) {

                Write-Debug "Version Mismatch; Deleting... :-("

                $useCache = $false


            elseif ( ( Get-Date ) -gt $cacheHit.CreationTime.AddDays(90) ) {

                Write-Debug "Stale Cache; Deleting... :-("

                $useCache = $false


            if ( ! $useCache ) { Remove-Item ( Join-Path $cacheDir $cacheHit ) }


        Write-Debug "Using Cache: $($useCache)"

        Write-Debug "<< End Check Cache"

        function downloadProductData () {

            Write-Debug "Create WebClient and cookie needed for PartSurfer"

            $htClient = New-Object System.Net.Webclient

            $htClient.Headers.Set([System.Net.HttpRequestHeader]::Cookie, "Country=United%20States")

            Write-Debug "/!\Begin critical section/!\ Any errors here break the entire script."

            $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

            if ( $Script:PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Debug") ) {

              Write-Debug "Debugging is enabled, using cached raw html if available"

              if ( ls $cacheDir | ? { $_.Name -eq "$($SerialNumber).raw.html" } ) {

                Write-Debug "Raw HTML read from cache"

                $htData = Get-Content (Join-Path $cacheDir "$($SerialNumber).raw.html")


              Else {

                Write-Debug "Download PartSurfer HTML data"

                $htData = $htClient.DownloadString("$($partSurferQueryUrl)$($SerialNumber)")

               Write-Debug "Clean line breaks, tabs, multiple spaces, and blank space between tags"

                $htData = CleanHtml( $htData )

               Write-Debug "Raw HTML written to cache"

                Set-Content (Join-Path $cacheDir "$($SerialNumber).raw.html") $htData



            Else {

            Write-Debug "Download PartSurfer HTML data"

              $htData = $htClient.DownloadString("$($partSurferQueryUrl)$($SerialNumber)")

            Write-Debug "Clean line breaks, tabs, multiple spaces, and blank space between tags"

              $htData = CleanHtml( $htData )



           Write-Debug "Create psObject representing the product"

            $hpProduct = New-Object psObject

           Write-Debug "Load generic sku data into the object"

           Write-Debug "Load SerialNumber"

            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty SerialNumber $SerialNumber

           Write-Debug "Load ProductNumber"

            $null = $htData -match "<span id=`"ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_lblProductNumber`">(.*?)</span>"

            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty ProductNumber $Matches[1]

           Write-Debug "Load Description"

            $null = $htData -match "<span id=`"ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_lblDescription`">(.*?)</span>"

            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty Description $Matches[1]

            $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"

           Write-Debug "/!\End critical section/!\"

           Write-Debug "Add Spare and OEM parts to psObject (Check boxes are no longer supplied by the site to determine part availability)"

            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty OemParts (New-Object psObject)

            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty Spares (New-Object psObject)

            $trMatches = Select-String "<tr class=`"[^`"]*RowStyle`">.*?</tr>" -inputObject $htData -AllMatches

            foreach ( $trMatch in $trMatches.Matches ){

                if ( $trMatch.Value -notmatch ".*(no longer supplied|Not Available|Hebrew|Cyrillic|Greek|Arabic|Bulk|220V|- AR|- CS|- DA|- NL|- FI|- DE|- EL|- HE|- HU|- KO|- NO|- PL|- ZHCN|- ZHTW|- TH|PCID|SWID| CH | CH<|CHINARUSS).*" )


                    $spanMatches = Select-String "<span.*?>(.*?)</span>" -inputObject $trMatch.Value -AllMatches

                    $partObject = New-Object psObject

                    $partObject | Add-Member NoteProperty PartNumber $spanMatches.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value

                    $partObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Description $spanMatches.Matches[1].Groups[1].Value


                    $BomType = "OemParts"

                    if ( $trMatch.Value -match ".*_gridSpareBOM_.*" ) { $BomType = "Spares" }

                    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

                    $hpProduct.$BomType | Add-Member NoteProperty $partObject.PartNumber $partObject

                    $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"

                   Write-Debug "$($BomType): $($partObject.PartNumber) - $($partObject.Description)"


                Else { Write-Debug "Discarding invalid or no longer supplied part." }


           Write-Debug "Load initial warranty lookup page to get ID cookies, run ahead of time for the session to settle on the server or w/e"

            $cookieContainer = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer

            [net.httpWebRequest] $webReq = [net.webRequest]::create("$($hpWarrantyBaseURL)$($hpWarrantyStartPath)")

            $webReq.CookieContainer = $cookieContainer

            [net.httpWebResponse] $webResp = $webReq.GetResponse()

            $strRdr = New-Object IO.StreamReader($webResp.GetResponseStream())

            $htData = $strRdr.ReadToEnd()


           Write-Debug "Parse out POST action"

            $null = $htData -match "<form id=`"wcFormDataItem`" name=`"warrantyCheck`" action=`"([^`"]*)`""

            $hpWarrantyQueryPath = $Matches[1]

            sleep 8

           Write-Debug "Create POST request to retrieve SN data"

            [net.httpWebRequest] $webReq = [net.webRequest]::create("$($hpWarrantyBaseURL)$($hpWarrantyQueryPath)")

            $webReq.CookieContainer = $cookieContainer

            $webReq.Method = "POST"

            $postData = "rows[0].item.serialNumber=$($SerialNumber)&rows[0].item.countryCode=US&rows[1].item.serialNumber=&rows[1].item.countryCode=US&rows[2].item.serialNumber=&rows[2].item.countryCode=US&rows[3].item.serialNumber=&rows[3].item.countryCode=US&rows[4].item.serialNumber=&rows[4].item.countryCode=US&rows[5].item.serialNumber=&rows[5].item.countryCode=US&rows[6].item.serialNumber=&rows[6].item.countryCode=US&rows[7].item.serialNumber=&rows[7].item.countryCode=US&rows[8].item.serialNumber=&rows[8].item.countryCode=US&rows[9].item.serialNumber=&rows[9].item.countryCode=US&submitButton=Submit"

            $postBuffer = [Text.Encoding]::Ascii.GetBytes($postData)

            $webReq.ContentLength = $postBuffer.Length

            $webReq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

            $reqStr = $webReq.GetRequestStream()

            $reqStr.Write( $postBuffer, 0, $postBuffer.Length)



            [net.httpWebResponse] $webResp = $webReq.GetResponse()

            $strRdr = New-Object IO.StreamReader($webResp.GetResponseStream())

            $htData = $strRdr.ReadToEnd()


            Set-Content sntest.html $htData

            $htData = CleanHtml( $htData )

           Write-Debug "Parse warranty data and add to the object"

            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty Warranties (New-Object psObject)

            $trMatches = Select-String "<tr class='TableRow(Odd|Even)LB'.*?</tr>" -inputObject $htData -AllMatches

            foreach ( $trMatch in $trMatches.Matches ){

              $tdMatches = Select-String "<td.*?(rowspan){0}?.*?</td>" -inputObject $trMatch -AllMatches


              $warrData = $tdMatches.Matches | % {

                if ( $_ -notmatch "(rowspan|color)" ) {

                  $_.value -replace "</?td[^>]*>" -replace "Wty: ", "" -replace "HP ", "" -replace "HW Maintenance ", "HWM " -replace "Support ?(for )?", ""



              if ( $warrData[1].Length -or $warrData[2].Length ) {


                    $partObject = New-Object psObject

                    $partObject | Add-Member NoteProperty PartNumber $spanMatches.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value

                    $partObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Description $spanMatches.Matches[1].Groups[1].Value

                    $hpProduct.$BomType | Add-Member NoteProperty $partObject.PartNumber $partObject


                $warrObject = New-Object psObject

                $warrObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Start ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warrData[1] ) )

                $warrObject | Add-Member NoteProperty End ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warrData[2] ) )

                $hpProduct.Warranties | Add-Member NoteProperty $warrData[0] $warrObject

                #$hpProduct.Warranties | Add-Member NoteProperty $warrData[0] @{ Start = ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warrData[1] ) ); End = ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warrData[2] ) ) }


              Else { $hpProduct.Warranties | Add-Member NoteProperty $warrData[0] "" }



            while ($htData -match "<td[^>]*>\s*([\w\s:]*)\s*</td>\s*<td[^>]*>\s*(\d{1,2} \w{3} \d{4})\s*</td>\s*<td[^>]*>\s*(\d{1,2} \w{3} \d{4})\s*</td>" ) {

                $warranty += $Matches[1..3]

                $htData = $htData.Replace($Matches[0],1)


            $warranty = $warranty -replace "wty: |HWM |HP |HW |Maintenance |Support |for| "

            ### Add warranty data to psObject

            $i = 0

            while ( $i -lt $warranty.Length ){

              #"$($warranty[$i])`t`tStart: $($warranty[$i+1])`t`tEnd: $($warranty[$i+2])"

              $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty "Warranty$($warranty[$i])" @{ Start = ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warranty[$i+1] ) ); End = ( '{0:MMM d yyyy}' -f ( Get-Date $warranty[$i+2] ) ) }

              $i += 3


            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty __QueryDate (Get-Date)

            $hpProduct | Add-Member NoteProperty __productObjectVersion $productObjectVersion

            $hpProduct | Export-Clixml (Join-Path $cacheDir "$($hpProduct.SerialNumber)_$($hpProduct.ProductNumber)_v$($productObjectVersion).xml")

            return $hpProduct


        #Import line is potentially error prone, make it more specific later on

        if ( $useCache ) { $hpProduct = Import-Clixml ( Join-Path $cacheDir "$($SerialNumber)_*" ) }

        else { $hpProduct = downloadProductData }

        if ( $OutputObject ) {



        Else {

            $lineLen = 75

            "%ˆ" * $lineLen

            "Serial Number:`t$($hpProduct.SerialNumber)"

            "Product Number:`t$($hpProduct.ProductNumber -replace '#ABA', '' )"




            $partsTxt = @()

            $warranties = $hpProduct.Warranties | get-member -MemberType "NoteProperty"

            foreach ( $warranty in $warranties | % { $_.Name } ) {

                if ( "Start" -in ($hpProduct.Warranties.$warranty | Get-Member | % { $_.Name } ) ) {

                    $partsTxt += "$($warranty)`t$($hpProduct.Warranties.$warranty.Start)`t$($hpProduct.Warranties.$warranty.End)"


                Else { $partsTxt += $warranty }


            "Warranties: $($partsTxt.Length)"

            "%" * $lineLen



            $parts = $hpProduct.OemParts | get-member -MemberType "NoteProperty"

            $partsTxt = @()

            foreach ( $part in $parts | % { $_.Name } ) {

                if ( $PartQuery ) {

                    if ( $hpProduct.OemParts.$part.Description -match ".*$($PartQuery).*" ) {

                        $partsTxt += "$($hpProduct.OemParts.$part.PartNumber) - $($hpProduct.OemParts.$part.Description)"



                Else { $partsTxt += "$($hpProduct.OemParts.$part.PartNumber) - $($hpProduct.OemParts.$part.Description)" }


            "OEM Parts$(if ( $PartQuery ) {" matching query '$($PartQuery)'"}): $($partsTxt.Length)"

            "%" * $lineLen



            $parts = $hpProduct.Spares | get-member -MemberType "NoteProperty"

            $partsTxt = @()

            foreach ( $part in $parts | % { $_.Name } ) {

                if ( $PartQuery ) {

                    if ( $hpProduct.Spares.$part.Description -match ".*$($PartQuery).*" ) {

                        $partsTxt += "$($hpProduct.Spares.$part.PartNumber) - $($hpProduct.Spares.$part.Description)"



                Else { $partsTxt += "$($hpProduct.Spares.$part.PartNumber) - $($hpProduct.Spares.$part.Description)" }  


            "Spares$(if ( $PartQuery ) {" matching query '$($PartQuery)'"}): $($partsTxt.Length)"

            "%" * $lineLen







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